Are You Serious I Cant Deal

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When we were finished eating we sat and talked for a little over dessert and my bestfriend was like you guys I'm about to head out are y'all ready. As we get near the door she tells me I'm going to have to walk home. I laugh at her like she's crazy and she's like I'm serious unless you wanna drive. I go will give me the keys so I can drive your car home  😂 she laughs and then my dad goes heres the ticket just have the guy bring the car around I laugh and go why does my dad have your ticket and we step out and I hand the guy the ticket and he smiles then he comes around with a car that is not Sasha la car so I'm confused I turn around and I'm like y'all got a new car and didn't tell me. They smile and say yea I mean if we told you that would ruin your surprise. Then my dad said two words it's yours. I'm pretty sure you've guessed it I'm ugly crying all over the place no matter what I do or hear them say I can't control it. Y'all bought me a car they laugh and say well we had already had it but when your father requested you back we couldn't give it to you because it wasn't here and when we got it in we still had no contact. But we're proud of you and you need it to get back and fourth to work now Sasha can't pick you up all the time. She helped pick it out and planned this whole surprise. I hug my bestfriend and I just don't want to let go I'm legit excited now I've got a job and I can afford a car this came at the perfect time but I know the birth giver isn't going to like it but that's fine she'll get over it I'm handling my own. Well I finish getting myself together and I wipe my face and check the car out I'm just so excited. That I can't control myself it's really nice it gets me from point A to point B. So we all say our goodbyes and I go home I can't even begin to explain how happy I am. So I get home and James is still up and he looks shocked and tells me I look nice I say thank you and tell him where I went and how it went and if "HE" ever needed help with my siblings I could help if I'm not at work or school. I prepare for bed my usual routine. I text Mia and Dontae and tell them I have some good news and that life just got a little bit easier. They laugh like I'm crazy so they just laugh and say okay. I wake up and get ready and take my time since I don't have to catch a bus. I drive to school and go set up my parking pass situation and then head to class and the day moves pretty good then I get to class with Dontae and he goes what is it you wanted to tell us I said you'll see at lunch and he was like whatever so we start to work then class ends and we head to the cafeteria we meet up with Mia and at the same time the go what is it lol and I pull keys and say let's go far from campus to eat 🙂 they both look at each other and go bitch you got a car after y'all left I guess your night was good. Dontae goes I need to be put out of my family and adopted by your mom and dad. What exactly do your parents do? & have y'all seen a basket big enough for me to be left in?? & what's their address...... asking for myself. Dontae you're such a fool I'm not telling you any of that and it was a gift they were saving for my birthday but I had to come back to my bio parents then. But they still made sure I got it now I can get to work and go eat lunch on my old campus with my old friends & take y'all out like now let's go y'all wasting time.. we get to the car they fighting over who getting in the front so I just look at them and say Rock Paper Scissors and winner takes front seat. If I win you both get in the back so we do it and Mia wins. So Dontae bitter ass goes that's fine so if she run over something it'll kill you first. Boy why you talking like that in my car I'm not hitting nothing. So we leave the parking lot and get onto the short highway so I hit the gas to speed up and pass a car he goes oh god let me put my seatbelt on. I look back and said you should have had it on in the first place. So we get to this little burger spot and I see a familiar car. I look at them and go Blaze is here..... they look at me like how you know so I go that's his car he gave me a ride the other day. So they both look at each other and go soo why is the fist time we're hearing I say not now let's go so we step inside and look for a booth and we spot one to the back on the way back there I see Blaze but he's not alone he's sitting across from a girl and he doesn't even look up in my direction and I know for a fact that he saw me he looked like he was having an intense conversation. I walked past with my head held high that's fine we're not dating it's just weird but hey that's not my business so we get to the booth order food and enjoy our meal and go. We get back to the school and I don't see Blaze I can only assume that he left with the girl I saw him with. Maybe that was his girlfriend that's why he said DRAMA QUEEN wasn't because it was someone else all along. But why do I care he wasn't even my boyfriend. What am I getting upset for so I just relax do my school work and forget about the day go home and get ready for work that I can actually drive to myself. I'm just so grateful that someone chose to love me more than my biological mother did I was a choice that they decided to make. I get to work and me and Sasha talk about Blaze and how I saw him with another girl and she told me don't get mad test the water see where his heads at it might not be his girl so I'm going to take her advice and run with it. This weekend I've got some thinking to do.

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