This is Unusual 😯

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My alarm goes off I'm the morning I wake up and get ready I go up to brush my teeth and the kids are all sitting there in pjs no one is dressed and I'm confused. I ask why no one is dressed and they go we eat before we get dressed and daddy's sleep the baby was crying all night and mommy never came back and Elijah is trying to make us eggs but they are green we don't want green eggs. I laugh a little and tell him sit I make them bacon and oatmeal get them dressed and drop them off at school because they missed the bus and I don't want them to be late. I head back to the house and get ready for school. I take my time I don't mind being late schools almost over anyway what's one late day. I take my time getting dressed and decided that I wanted to dress nice today because why not I'm late why not show up cute. I chose a simple look but it wasn't my basic look I didn't want to take a purse so I grabbed my backpack (image above). As I'm heading out I run into James and he looks tired as hell and he lets me know he's taking off since him wife isn't there and he'll get the kids and thanks me for getting them ready. I say no problem and head out once I get to the school I pull into my usual parking space it's empty that's weird cause people love parking up front. I just shrug it off and walk towards the school I walk in and I'm at my locker and hear hey beautiful you finally decided to show up to school, was your parking space still empty? I turn and it's Adrian I smile a little and play it off and go what did you do to make sure no one parked there. Oh nothing I just put a cone there this morning and took it like five minutes ago. I start thinking to myself like he's different but not to far I grab my books and as soon as I get them he grabs them and goes I'll walk you to class. I smile a little and he laughs and goes well I mean if that's okay with you I don't want you passing out or nothing. You look so much brighter when you smile. I smile again like omg This kid is smooth. We get to class and he hands me my books and goes on I walk into class to my seat as I'm walking I hear 2 girls talking about me saying oh she's a Hoe she was just trying to get with Blaze now look at her smiling all in his face. I laugh and sit cause I'm not about to argue with the walking STD's they annoy me they can't get everyone they want. I just sit and work on my school work I go through the classes without a word I get to class with Dontae and he's like who got your attention you seem different & I know for a fact it's not Blaze I laugh and go no one I was just thinking about something. More like someone 😂 class is over time for lunch I'm talking to Dontae as we walk out I hear Hey Jazmyne where are we going for lunch. I know the voice and I automatically smile then Dontae gives me this look and goes ohh so that's who it is. I tell him buy and ask him who said we were going to lunch together and he smiles and says me let's go. So we head to my locker and I put my books up and we head outside I unlock my car and he goes no ma'am we're not going in that we're getting on the bike...... I look at him like he's crazy and he goes i promise it's safe. So we get out there and we get to his bike I stand there can't believe I'm about to do this he hands me a helmet and I get on the back I look around because I feel like someone is looking at me so I keep looking then I see Blaze he looks disappointed then I look at who he's with the same girl from the restaurant and I just turn my head it's not my business. We go to this wing place that's like 15 minutes from the school we get in side the guy give Adrian a nod and says the usual. He looks at me and goes you like hot wings I nod and he goes yes make it two. We sit at a booth in the back corner. We don't talk for a minute and I just think about the situation. I look up at him and he's already looking at me I feel awkward and he goes have something to say with a smile like he knew I was about to ask something. I go out of everyone at the school why me? You had a million choices of very pretty girls popular girls and more why me? He looks taken back and just sits for a moment He starts to explain that he doesn't want the normal everyone was the exact same except you you stood out to me. You wasn't worried about what everyone was thinking you didn't throw yourself at me every other girl was all about getting my attention you were natural. And you stuck to the school work I liked that about you. I know I probably sound like a creep but I saw you around. The wings come and we talk a little more while eating and head back to the school once we get there I fix my hair and hand him the helmet back and tell him I was nervous at first but after I realized that it was a smooth rider was good. I guess I'll talk to you later and I head to class we sat at the wing place talking through both lunches and I lost track of time talking to him I don't think of anything else. I walk to class with a lot including him on my mind and I finish out the school day and legit forgot I had to go to work and I didn't even check to see if Sasha works today. I shoot her a text and she replies duh we gonna work every shift together 😂 I laugh and tell her I'll meet her there I have something to do first. I head to the house and check and make sure everything is good and they said Ashley still never came home but I said whatever and made sure they were good and went to work. It was pay day so we were busy as hell and we had just got that new shipment so Sasha was stocking while I was ringing people up. We were packed for like 5 hours and it was horrible people were everywhere making a mess of the store that we had to clean up. I call the boss and request a third person to help and they send this new girl and I'm like she's got her work cut out for her cause she's about to do most of it. It starts to die down and my phone goes off it's Blaze I roll my eyes and set him to silent and lock my phone. Once the store is cleared out Sasha walks up to me and goes never again will I work payday I laugh and she goes you've been quiet like you've got something to say. I laugh and go I guess everyone knows when I have something to say. The girl starts restocking so I tell her about my little lunch date with Adrian she goes ooo new Boyfriend lol no girl we just hung out and she's like yea he's not your boyfriend yet but it's going to happen ,I see it too so no bets on my relationship. I get off work go get some food and head to the house it's 10 so I shower and get ready for bed then Adrian texts me and tells me that he had a good day today at lunch and that he hopes I had a good day at work and goodnight. I text back telling him I had a good time also and that it was a long day and good night. A week goes by and Ashley never came home they made a missing persons report but not really looking but things are fine here. Then a few more weeks go by me and Adrian get closer and spend more time together. He eventually ask me to be his girlfriend and now we're on the last month of this school year then summer time no school and I can do what I want no more waking up early. Might even take a summer vacation out of town with my bestfriend just depends on the job. So far life is looking up for me. But there's always that one person that messes up your happiness for a brief second.

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