Chapter 5

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i stared into a tree-lined gray sky as rain fell upon my face. 'i can't remember how i got here' i could smell the rich earthy ground and the wet grass i was sprawled out upon. my body felt weak and beaten. the droplets started to come down harder as i curled my fingers into the damp dirt, comforted by the sensation of it. 'i have to find shelter' i tried to sit up gingerly as my left ribs felt bruised. slowly standing i surveyed my surroundings... i was in some sort of wooded area that looked far from civilization, but i could see a glowing in the distance through the crevices of the trees.

'whatever that is.. it may be my only hope of shelter' the rain started to get heavier as i started walking towards the dim soft orange glow. however i ended up here i've been surprisingly calm the whole time... but that changed when i felt as if i was being watched through the drenched darkening forest... 'stay calm stay calm stay calm' i chanted over and over trying hard not to panic as i was already injured. but then i heard it... somethings following me... it sounded like an animal stalking me down.

i could see i was getting closer to what was creating the glow as i started to make out the structure of a house. i quickened my pace holding onto my bruised ribs, the air becoming icy as the pouring rain continued to pelt my already soaked frame. i could see a clearing finally but could no longer hear over the rain. 'just a little longer' i willed my body to keep moving. i finally hit the clearing and bolted for the house peering behind me at the blackness.

'SHIT! KEEP GOING!' i could no longer breathe i ran up the three stairs to the front of this old wooden house holding my ribs trying not to pass out. i pounded on the door with the little strength i had left. "hello? please anyone, please help me." trying to breathe was so painful i was seeing spots. "hello?" a man about 6 foot tall with jet black hair and a scruffy beard opened the door just a crack. "please sir help me, i'm so sorry im lost and im being hunted by some sort of animal..." he closed the door and my heart dropped until i heard a chain lock being undone he opened the door once again stepping aside to let me in.

"oh thank you so much sir really you saved my life." "let me get you some towels and something to change into" "thank you so much" he disappeared down the hall and returned with towels a tee-shirt and pajama pants. he led me to a bathroom to change and offered his shower to me as well.

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