Chapter 17

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(Dark's Pov)
not five minutes later i hear a quiet knock on the hotel door. quietly walking over to the door i peer out and see Schneep, i unlock the door stepping aside to allow him entrance. "thank you for doing this for me.." "right right vell, shall ve start?" he looked at me with those questions in his head again.. i looked away from him and gazed over to her...

clenching my fists and gritting my teeth i turned away from him walking out the door. "i will be back in an 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔯..." closing the door i ran. i ran as fast as i could.. i couldn't be there and watch as he erased my very existence from her... but it was for the best... my entire body burned with anger, regret and sadness... emotions i haven't felt for a very long time, before meeting her..

i felt my body slowing down. glancing at my surroundings i realized there was no artificial light for a couple of miles. i came to a standstill huffing air back into my lungs as they burned. i fell backwards and stared at the stars... after some time my phone illuminated alerting me it was almost time... i crushed it instantly.

****time skip****

(Your Pov)
i could feel myself coming to.. hearing a soft beep every second or so and feeling air being puffed into me through my nose.. i was in a strange room.. wires connected to my hands i opened my eyes and looked around seeing an iv in my arm pumping cool fluids into my body... 'I'm in the hospital? why?' the beeping got faster as my breathing and heart rate increased.

a blonde haired nurse came in.. saying something to me i couldn't comprehend.. "wherre am i? why am i herre?" she held my hand in hers "shhhh everything is alright, you're gonna be alright miss (y/n)." i looked into her brown eyes trying to calm my breathing.. "just follow me sweetie innn. outt. innn. outt. " doing as she said i could here the beeps even their pace again.

"now that you're calm, my name is Marzia, you are alright and the doctor will be here in just a moment." just as she finished her sentence two officers came in, the doctor behind them as he entered he closed the door. the officers stood on either side of the door almost like body guards.

"hello (y/l/n) my name is Dr.Kjellberg, i see you've met my Wife Marzia." i nod slowly still feeling like the room was spinning. . . "miss (y/n), i know this may be unsettling to you.. but we need to know what happened..." Marzia squeezed my hand. "it's gonna be okay you're safe now (y/n)."

"you're safe now.." echoing in my head i heard a deep voice repeating what she had said to me... my head felt like i just plunged into a deep pool.. i closed my eyes trying to remember......... it just caused the pressure to increase... i pulled my hands to my head my breath quickening...

"shhhhhh shhhh it's all gonna be okay (y/n)." Marzia comforted.. i opened my eyes slowly dropping my hands and my head fell downward in defeat... "I'm sorry i can't remember... i don't even know how i got here... I'm sorry..."

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