Chapter 6

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"how did you end up out here 𝔰𝚠𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱?".. 'protect yourself' .."im really not sure i uh-" he looked at me with concern in his chocolate colored eyes. "don't 𝚠𝔬𝔯𝔯𝒚 i'm here to help you i can take you to your home in the morning" i smiled sadly "well you see the thing is i can't remeber much of anything... and i-" 'wait why the fuck am i saying this i could just have him take me to the closest city and find out what the fuck happened that way i need to stay guarded'

"you seem very shaken up let me make 𝒚𝔬𝔲 a hot cup of tea" "No thats quite alright... i mean you've already done so much for me..." "even so i 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝚠 just the blend to calm your nerves" "ok thank you" 'i'll just let him make it really what harm can be done he seems like an honest guy' the aroma that drifted through the kitchen to the sofa that i was seated on smelt subtly sweet and floral... he came back with two cups of the steamy tea and set one down in front of me.

"it smells soft and sweet what kind of tea is it?" he smiled softly as he sipped from his own cup. "𝔦𝔱'𝔰 a rare blend called black rose tea, it's a premium import from turkey said to sooth even the most harshest of anxieties" my mouth dropped as i stared at this rather rugged looking man. " sir you didn't have to-" "no worries, 𝔫𝔬𝔱 at all, please forgive 𝔪𝔢 though for i haven't introduced myself.., my name is Dark." "oh -uh my name is (y/n)" we locked eyes and i felt comfort and warmth. "well (𝒚/𝔫)..." he smiled warmly "it's my pleasure to make sure you feel comfortable after being in the situation you were in."

i smiled and thanked him again as i took a sip of the black rose tea. "(y/n) do you happen to remember how you fractured your ribs?" i stopped mid-sip the liquid pooled in my mouth as i resisted spitting it out.. i swallowed slowly "i apologize i was an EMT before i moved here, so it can be easy for me to assess when someone is injured" he reasoned. i shifted uncomfortably and closed my eyes as i tried to think back "i just remember lights and a loud bang before waking up on the forest ground..."

i took another gulp of the silky smooth tea trying to put myself at ease as he thought "sounds like an MVA" my brows knitted "M....V...A..?" "sorry, motor vehicle accident, it sounds as though you were driving through and crashed" the teacup slipped from my hands and the remainder spilled on the carpet as the room began to spin. "M-Mark..." i locked eyes with the man but i didn't meet the chocolate brown ones that made me feel warm... they were glowing blood red... i collapsed and everything turned black. and i could faintly hear a deep voice say "𝔊𝔬 𝔅𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔱𝔬 𝐒𝔩𝔢𝔢𝔭.."

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