chapter 7

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i was blindfolded and secured to a chair. i could hear a high ringing in my ears. the sound of footsteps could be heard from behind a door. a lock disengaged and the creaking of the door as it opened and the shut. footsteps approached me as i balled my fists.. "please, just let me go" i whimpered... "𝕒𝕙 (𝕪/𝕟) (𝕪/𝕟), 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕟 𝕙𝕒𝕤 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕦𝕟" the mans deep voice echoed around me, making me unsure of his location... the ringing still persisted and i began to shake with fear...

"what do you want from me?" my voice shaking uncontrollably, he chuckled "𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕣 (𝕪/𝕟) 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕤 𝕨𝕙𝕠 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕔𝕒𝕟'𝕥 𝕘𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘..... 𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕚 𝕗𝕚𝕩 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕕𝕠..." his voice surrounded me as his footsteps circled me. he gently cupped my face with his left hand, his thumb brushing my lips. "𝕤𝕠 𝕝𝕖𝕥'𝕤 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕕"

his hand left my face and i felt a searing pain on my right thigh, i cried out feeling the wound begin to weep with blood... and then another and another till my body was covered in gashes from what i could only believe was thick razor wire on the last lashing he hit my cheek, sending my body jolting back against the chair knocking the blindfold off. as my eyes adjusted from the blur stood in front of me was Darkiplier holding a whip that looked like it had thorns.

he chuckled as he approached me with a gag i struggled denying him the ability to put it on me. he roughly clutched my face the whip pressing against my cheek as he forced the ball of the gag in my mouth and secured the back of it. i screamed through tears muffled by the gag "𝕥𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕜, 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕠𝕣..." he held up a syringe filled with glowing green liquid.

eyes wide i shook my head violently side to side trying to plead for him to stop. "𝕓𝕦𝕥 𝕨𝕙𝕪 𝕕𝕠 𝕨𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖" his amused grin made me cry harder as i felt another strike from the whip, shooting my head back as i bit down on the ball. that's when i felt the needle pierce my skin. i screamed and writhed in agony, hearing the ringing return full force like someone used an amplifier... the room began to glitch immensely as i faded out.

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