Ch5 - Adaptation

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Lin Wenbo was going to marry Gong Xiangyi so he was already half-considered to be part of the Gong family by Gong Yuanhang thus Song Haoran didn't have to be polite and escort him out. The only reason his friend was being this polite meant that he had something to say. Lin Wenbo didn't get into his car after they walked to the parking lot. Instead, he leaned on his Bentley and held out a pack of cigarettes as he waited for his friend to speak.

Years of friendship and yet, this tacit understanding was still there. Song Haoran smiled and pulled out a cigarette, igniting it. After taking a deep drag, he breached the subject. "What happened to Xiangyi? Why was she so sad she cried like that? Does she know that Lixin likes you?"

Lixin? Since when did his friend and Gong Lixin become so close? Lin Wenbo raised his eyebrows and looked at Song Haoran with a strange expression. He then shook his head. "She doesn't know this. She was normal until she fainted this afternoon but as soon as she woke up though, she was like that. She was also the only one at home until now. There were no outsiders. I contacted her when I didn't get any call today. She said she had a nightmare and that's the only explanation that makes sense the most."

That is to say, Lin Wenbo himself didn't believe Gong Xiangyi's excuse about being scared by a nightmare.

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She didn't know about Lixin's feelings. Song Haoran sighed in relief. A pair of sharp eagle eyes stared at Lin Wenbo and he solemnly said, "I think you should talk to Lixin and solve the problem between you two." Upon hearing this, Lin Wenbo had a disgusted expression on his face. He stubbed out his cigarette and said, "Do you think I didn't try talking to him? It's useless, he doesn't listen!"

"Oh?" Song Haoran blew out a plume of smoke. Dear good friend, your tone is somewhat unpleasant, he asks, "What attitude did you use to talk to him? Was it disgust like this? Was it with intolerance? Or was that not it? Lixin is a good boy. He's not as bad as you think. If your attitude is sincere, he will certainly listen!"

Without today's incident, Song Haoran would have never expected that his gloomy protective shell of his was to hide such a simple temper. He heard that some children would deliberately behave badly in order to gain attention from the adults. Considering that Uncle Gong and Xiangyi were not home all day long, Song Haoran felt that his guess was right. He couldn't help but feel a little bit of pity towards Gong Lixin, thinking about how indifferent he initially was towards him.

When children go astray, the ones that were most responsible were often adults.

Hearing his friend's remarks, Lin Wenbo raised his eyebrows in curiousity. "Speaking of which, you seem close to him. How? Didn't you look down on him before?"

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

"Tbe kfgf atf bcf atja mbcnlcmfv wf yfobgf!" Vbcu Ljbgjc ogbkcfv, ajqqlcu atf fzmfrr jrtfr jkjs klat tlr olcufgalqr jr tf atbeuta yjmx ab Xbcu Olzlc'r agef ojmf, mifjg fsfr, jcv rboa nblmf. "P gfjilhfv abvjs atja tf'r nfgs rfcrlyif jcv nfgs mifnfg. Pa rffwr ktfc qfbqif jgf tfiqifrr, atfs klii gfnfji atflg agef cjaegf. Ktlr rffwr ab yf agef."

After saying this, he paused and looked at Lin Wenbo. His expression was serious. "I've tried talking to him. You are right. He doesn't truly love you, not like that anyway. It's more admiration or worship but the degree is deep so it's easy to get it confused. But then again, I'm just an outsider. Don't say something without weight and leave him hanging. Answer him honestly. Break his heart if you must but don't delay him or you and Xiangyi." The attitude of his friend was very cautious. Lin Wenbo didn't agree right away but, in the end, he sighed and agreed: "What you said makes sense. I'll go find him and talk to him. Thanks!" When the words fell, he stubbed the cigarette butt and patted his friend's shoulder before driving away.

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