Not having walked too far, Gong Lixin suddenly turned back. His eyes filled with killing intent fell to the last member in the back of the team and, without waiting, he pulled out a knife from his waist and threw it towards them.
The ability user was stunned. He didn't know why Young Master Gong, who had been just fine, would attack him. However, the knife came very fast and he wasn't able to avoid it. He could only stand in the place and die. Tan Mingyuan and others looked equally stunned and thought that Young Master Gong wanted to go back on his words and kill people.
But when they turned around, the person stood still in the same place and the knife had grazed his cheek, cutting off silver-white spider silk extending from the branches behind him.
"It's a mutant spider!" Wang Tao shouted. The people immediately returned to reality, took out their weapons and got into their defensive positions as they stared up at the dense canopy, trying to find the mutant spider hiding between the branches and leaves. However, because the sky had already gotten dark, they searched for a long time without any results.
Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.
The ability user suddenly realized what happened and was grateful towards Young Master Gong. If the spider silk had stuck to him, he would have been dragged into the tree by the mutant spider and would have been eaten.
"Ling Yin, Da Liu, be careful it's behind you!" Gong Lixin turned his head and shouted.
"Got it." Ling Yin and Da Liu answered and quickly stood back to back, placing their knives in their hands across their chest. After a moment, spider silk fell from the canopy and rushed towards the two. The spider's silk was so sticky that if it won't come off unless you took off the clothes it stuck too or cut off the skin.
The two swung their knives and cut off the rushing spider silk before jumping away. Song Haoran threw a fireball towards the place where the spider silk came from. The fire slammed into the canopy, blasting between the branches and leaves, making for a big firework. A sharp screech rang out and a spider the size of an ox fell from the canopy. It rolled on the ground and struggled, trying to extinguish the flames on his abdomen and furry joints.
Ling Yin and Da Liu seized the opportunity and rushed to the front, swinging their knives a few times and cut off its eight legs. In the blink of an eye, they cut off its head, chest and abdomen too and the spider ceased moving. Wang Tao quickly rushed up to the front of the spider's body and punched its head to stop its screeching. The four people cooperated fluidly. It took only a few minutes for them to handle the spider yet they normally struggled with mutated spiders. The eighteen people from the prison base felt ashamed after the shock left them.
In particular, Tan Mingyuan who had his head down, not being able to show his face from the shame. Because Da Liu and Ling Yun were ordinary people, he had intentionally and unintentionally ridiculed them and wanted to pressure the two to leave the team.
We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Thinking of this now, Tan Mingyuan's skin that was thicker than a city's wall, turned slightly red. He looked up and looked at Da Liu and Ling Yin and inexplicably let out a laugh at the sight of the two.
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