Untitled Part 80 (X)

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Warning: Mild dub-con

Gong Lixin gradually tightened his fingers and made up his mind to crush Zhao Ying's throat. He didn't know why he was so angry. He only knew that this person wanted Big Brother Song to stop loving him and make Big Brother Song leave him, which was unacceptable. It was not easy to get loved ones and friends. No one was allowed to take them away from him!

"Lixin, the base doesn't allow killing. Let go." Seeing his friend only looking at the teenager with a smile as if everything was forgotten, Lin Wenbo pressed down the pain in his chest and stopped him.

Gong Lixin hesitated for a moment, thinking of his father's three orders and five rules that prohibited ability users on the base from killing each other. This made him slowly loosen his hold on Zhao Ying's neck. Instead, he warned, "You can go. But the next time I see getting close to Big Brother Song, I will kill you! And the base can't do anything about it. I have thousands of ways to get rid of you so, you better put my warnings to heart."

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

"Cough, I, I don't dare anymore!" His face had turned blue and purple and he was unable to sit on the ground. He coughed for a while before quickly getting up on his feet and running away.

He hadn't expected that Gong Lixin would care about Song Haoran so much, but he clearly didn't feel any passionate love towards the other. So where did he go wrong?

When Zhao Ying walked away, the gloom in Gong Lixin's eyes disappeared. With grievances in his eyes, he looked towards Song Haoran. It was easy to see that Song Haoran was at a loss and the joy in his heart was replaced by guilt.

"Lixin. Sorry, he quickly rushed over and kissed me. I didn't expect it, so I couldn't get away in time." Song Haoran said with some incoherence in his words, like a teenage boy who had his first taste of love. He didn't have his usual decisiveness and confidence.

"Big Brother Song, things aren't like he said! I like you! I like to see you wherever I go. Don't dislike me! Don't leave me!" He plunged into Song Haoran's arms. He buried his face into Song Haoran's broad chest as he whispered grievously.

When Gong Lixin plunged into his friend's arms and whispered 'I like you', Lin Wenbo sighed and quietly left. But after two steps, he stopped again and leaned against the wall, listening quietly to the movement in the room. He knew that the conversation between the two would completely tear his already hole-riddled heart apart, but he didn't want to leave. He just wanted to wake up from this severe pain, because the constant self-torture was slowly turning his heart into an ugly monster.

In the room, Song Haoran's mood was not as happy as Lin Wenbo imagined. The words coming out of the boy's mouth were the language of love that he had dreamed of night and day. However, the boy's eyes only held a child's possessive desire and not passionate love. His like, after all, is not the same.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

Song Haoran twisted his brows and leaned over to hold the young man's chin. He cautiously asked, "Lixin, do you know what kind of like Zhao Ying meant?"

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

"He likes you, like I like you?" Gong Lixin's eyes showed his ignorance and he hesitantly opened, "just like I like Big Brother Lin."

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