Untitled Part 54

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Gong Lixin squinted at Lu Yun and seemed like his usually bright eyes burned like one possessed, but the temperature of the flame was cold, mixed with a trace of death.

After a long while has passed, Gong Lixin shook his head and spoke slowly. "I don't have a gun. What do you want to do with it? Do you really want to commit suicide?"

Lu Yun's face showed a smile uglier than his crying face. He nodded, "Yes, your sister's right. I'm just a useless waste of a person. I will die but if I die, I'll pull the people around me to accompany me to my death. Death by a gun is quick because the trigger is just a button, and my eyes won't even have time to close before it's over and I can join my Dad as soon as possible. I won't need to bother Brother He and Brother Wu anymore! It will be great!"

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Gong Lixin's face gradually became tense and he asked with a flat tone, "Do you really want to die? No regrets?" How valuable is life? He endured endless torture just to live. So why did others not know how to cherish it?

"No, now is the apocalypse and useless people like me won't live much longer anyway!" Lu Yun waved his hands and looked down at his body and smiled, "so what if I'm naked, I'll leave this plane naked!"

Gong Lixin quietly stared at him for a moment before faintly saying, "Since you've already thought about it, I will help you. I don't have a gun, but I don't need to use a gun to kill."

Lu Yun's eyes wavered for a moment, but it was too late to react. Before he knew it, Gong Lixin already quickly stabbed his heart twice.

"Ah!" Lu Yun screamed, gripping his chest where his heart was as severe cramps took over his body. His body rolled into a ball, squeezing himself tightly as much as possible as it rolled down on the cold floor beside the bed. After a short while, he couldn't make any more noise. Only blue veins on his temple pulsed and his red face turned purple from the pain.

This kind of pain was extraordinary, as if the heart was being squeezed by a big hand and shredded into pieces. It was as if his soul was being stripped from his body and every hair on his body, from the top of his head to the tips of his toes were suffering from this intense pain.

Lu Yun was cold and soaked in sweat as he rolled on the floor, leaving a black and gray stain wherever he rolled. His back molars creaked and his bloody eyes stared at Gong Lixin sitting on the edge of the bed with an indifferent expression. The despair in his eyes was replaced by incredulity.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

He never imagined that Young Master Gong, who said he would kill him, would actually kill him. And he didn't make it easy either, no, he still chose such a painful way. Rolling around, he swallowed down his saliva as he withstood the extreme pain. Why should I die? How good was it to live!

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