Untitled Part 70

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Seeing Young Master Gong's figure followed by Gu Nan, people in the training field became curious. Ma Jun and the others were most curious, and they hated not being able to rush up to Young Master Gong to ask about it.

However, it wasn't break time yet and they were afraid to act without authorization.

"Lixin, Uncle Gong allowed you to pick the members of your small team on your own. This is a great opportunity for learning. However, you must still remain cautious. About the team members you have in mind, you don't know what they've been through these past few days, so don't be surprised if they refuse to join." Song Haoran told Gong Lixin.

Then, feeling like he sounded too negative, he smiled and added, "But if it's you asking, I don't think there's any person who would be reluctant to join. Alright, go ahead. I'll also go and gather my crew."

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"Waving his hand, Song Haoran watched Gong Lixin move away before turning and walking towards his comrades.

Gong Xiangyi also took Lin Wenbo and began to look for candidates based on her ideal list. However, as she rushed along, she soon turned pale white and felt very embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" Lin Wenbo casually asked as he stood at the edge of the training ground, leaning against a horizontal bar. His eyes followed the young man silently until Gong Xiangyi blocked his view.

These team members were not the ones he wanted, so he had no interest in the team. Regardless of their strength, the character was very debatable because among them, he saw the water ability user named Zhao Yin who had just bullied Gu Nan. The boy was on Gong Xiangyi's list and he was doubtful about the people Gong Xiangyi included in her vision.

"I'm mad. They won't say whether they'll join or not, and they're waiting for Gong Lixin's choice before deciding!" Gong Xiangyi said grimly.

"Haha!" Lin Wenbo looked up and laughed. His sturdy and handsome facial features that were highlighted with a layer of light golden light from the setting sun made him more beautiful and innocent, making Gong Xiangyi look straight at him. She found that ever since she had been reborn, she had never seen Lin Wenbo so happy. No. She ought to say that after all she had suffered in her past life, she never saw Lin Wenbo laugh again.

Desperate for Lin Wenbo's smile, Gong Xiangyi felt a touch of joy rush in amidst the grievances in her heart. Unfortunately, Lin Wenbo's next sentence made her angry once again.

If you're reading this, this translation is stolen. Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden.com

"Xiaoxin is really popular! Wait a while then. Wait for Xiaoxin to finish picking out his members and then you can try again." Lin Wenbo smiled, his tone gentle. Even hidden amongst the crowd, the teenager still struck a chord in their hearts.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

"Qts? Qts mjc P bcis qlmx joafg tf olclrtfr qlmxlcu? Qts jw P ifrr lwqbgajca?" Xbcu Wljcusl rjlv reiifcis.

"P vbc'a yfilfnf atja atfgf'r cb bcf kliilcu ab pblc!" Vtf rabwqfv tfg offa jcv kjixfv jkjs, boo ab gfmgela ktbfnfg ibbxfv ragbcu lc tfg fsfr.

Olc Qfcyb rtbbx tlr tfjv, tlr vffq vjgx fsfr ibbxlcu ja atf affcjufg lc atf mgbkv jujlc. Coafg ibmxlcu bcab tlr oluegf, tf cb ibcufg kjcafv ab ibbx jkjs. Ktf agbeyifr lc tlr tfjga cjaegjiis vlrrlqjafv jcv tf mbeivc'a rabq atf mbgcfgr bo tlr wbeat ogbw megnlcu eq.

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