Untitled Part 53

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Warning: Gore, hard-on and suicidal thoughts...what a combination

With Ling Yu's company, Lu Yun's mood obviously got much better.

Tightening his grip around the woman's exquisite and fragrant body, for the first time in a while, he dreamed of nothing and just like that, they were asleep for the whole night until the early morning light spread warm, light spots through the hollow of the curtains. Stars sprinkled behind their eyelids and the two lying on the bed slowly opened their eyes.

The breeze in the morning had yet to take on the heat of the sun. When it touched his body, he shivered at its coolness. Shivering, Lu Yun slowly sat up. Touching the cold arm of Ling Yu, his brow wrinkled and he pulled the blanket over her to cover her.

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There was a knock on the door. Lu Yun picked up his clothes before opening it.

"Young Master Lu, we are leaving at ten o'clock, I'll help pack your things." Wu Ming said while looking into the room. He glimpsed at the raised bed and the long hair of the woman covered by the sheets and was stunned.

"Alright, come in." Lu Yun moved to the side and let Wu Ming enter the door before casting his eyes on Ling Yu as he asked. "Ling Yu wants to go with us, can she? Wu Ming?"

Wu Ming was in trouble. He imagined He Jin's reaction and felt it would not be possible, but he also didn't promise anything and honestly replied, "We should first pack your things. Wait until breakfast to ask Brother He."

With the mention of He Jin's name, Lu Yun's expression became a bit unnatural, but he nodded silently before sitting on the bed and watching Wu Ming pack up his things for him. Even though during the apocalypse, Wu Ming knew that Lu family might have fallen apart, he couldn't change his young master whom he had raised for more than ten years.

Wu Ming was hard at work, tidying up the other's things and then neatly placing them in the travel bag by the bed.

After double-checking the content of the bag, Wu Ming zipped up the bag and looked up at Lu Yun. He was going to ask him to go eat breakfast, but suddenly, his expression changed. He yelled 'be careful' while pulling Lu Yun in front of him.

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Lu Yun, who was sitting on the bed, was suddenly pulled by Wu Ming. After taking two steps, he fell on the floor and looked behind only to be stunned.

He had just seen Ling Yu last night and she'd been well. But right now, her face was white and she opened her mouth, revealing rows of sharp teeth that rushed towards the two. The room they used in the soldiers' dormitory was small. There was not much room left to move around after the furniture were in place. Wu Ming was behind him and protected Lu Yun as they avoided the oncoming attack.

Wu Ming's eyes quickly caught sight of the two claws of Ling Yu as he reeled away from the stench of Ling Yu's mouth. He cried out to Lu Yun who was scared, "Young Master Lu, I have a knife at my waist. Take it out and kill her!"

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Coafg j ofk rmgfjwr jcv jc jaafwqafv jaajmx, rfflcu atja Qe Zlcu mbeivc'a reqqbga tlw jcswbgf, Oe Tec olcjiis rcjqqfv bea bo la jcv abbx bea atf xclof ogbw Qe Zlcu'r kjlra jcv jlwfv ja Olcu Te'r tfjv.

Ktf rtjgq yijvf rtbcf klat j mbiv iluta jr la rijwwfv lcab Olcu Te'r tfjv klat j 'qemtl' rbecv mjerlcu j qjlcoei rmgfjw ab mbwf bea bo tfg. Qe Zlcu'r ragfcuat ifoa tlw mjerlcu tlw ab rabq rageuuilcu, tlr aluta fzqgfrrlbc olcjiis ibbrfclcu.

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