Ch13 - Soldiers

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T/N & E/N: We realized that we've been translating the MC's name wrong. It should be Lixin instead of Lizhen. So we're going back and changing that. Also, here's a bonus chapter courtesy of Jessie. Thank you Jessie! I'll post the other bonus chapter next week!

October 13, 2012, 8 p.m, an earthquake of a magnitude of 9.5 on the Richter scale occurred on an island country, triggering a tsunami. Within a few minutes, a huge wave the size of a mountain engulfed 1/10 of the island's territory. The tsunami crushed houses and countless were dead or injured. The whole world was shaken by this event when all the news stations began reporting about it.

That night, Lin Wenbo read about the tsunami, his mood becoming complicated. Gong Xiangyi predicted that this earthquake and tsunami would happen. In fact, Gong Xiangyi had predicted all the major disasters that had struck the world in the last two months. Until now, Lin Wenbo didn't dare to believe her words because he wanted hold on to the hope that everything would stay the same. However, with her prophecies coming true, and with the world experiencing one disaster after another, their peaceful life was slowly falling apart.

He took a sip of the strong whiskey he had just poured, before deciding to head to Lin Jia's study to talk to the family head who was his grandfather, Lin Mao. Although he had been helping Gong Xiangyi collect materials, but he had not been doing his best. Since he was burdened with the responsibility of his family, the fate of his family couldn't be joked about simply because of a prophecy.

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Since there was now proof of the prophecy being true, he knew the Lin family could no longer stay silent. It was necessary to decide their next course of actions seriously in order to survive when the apocalypse started. The safest way to survive was to provide the Gong family's army with full logistical support, and be completely tied to the Gong family. For this, Lin family were required to make a big move.

Lin Wenbo was orphaned as a child. One of the reasons why he hadn't been killed by his uncles in the shadows, was because of his abilities and skills. The second reason was because Lin Mao was supporting him. Lin Mao trusted his grandson. No matter how ridiculous or horrifying the news was, he still decided to take precaution; making a decision only after he observed Gong Yuanhang and Gong Xiangyi.

If Gong Xiangyi could convince him about the reality of her prophecy, Lin family would do their best to support Gong Yuanhang's army at all costs.

The following day, Lin Wenbo was still staying in Lin's townhouse in the morning before he headed to the training camp in the afternoon. To prepare for the apocalypse, one must also be strong so that they could survive the apocalypse and live well during the apocalypse.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

His mood was heavy when he thought of his grandfather's impending visit to the Gong household tonight. He figured that their family's fate would soon be decided.

Ktf Olc ojwlis tjv gfilfv bc tlr ojatfg, ugjcvojatfg jcv atflg atgff ufcfgjalbcr' tjgv kbgx ab ufa atf ojwlis ab ktfgf atfs meggfcais kfgf. Lf kjrc'a lcafgfrafv lc tlr ojwlis'r kfjiat, lcrafjv tf mtfglrtfv atf tjgv kbgx tf jcv tlr qjgfcar tjv qea lc. Coafg abvjs, fnfgsatlcu atfs tjv vbcf lc atf qjra kbeiv yf vfragbsfv ys atf jqbmjisqrf. Ktflg ojwlis'r obecvjalbc kbeiv yf vfragbsfv. Snfc atbeut atf rlaejalbc mbeivc'a yf tfiqfv, tf kjr ralii rjv cbcfatfifrr.

At the training camp, Lin Wenbo's gloominess was transferred to the sandbag he was hitting; his fists becoming faster and faster; his punches stronger and stronger. He stopped to look at the boy who was surrounded by a group of soldiers on the training grounds. A smile immediately appeared on his face as he stared at Gong Lixin, and with that, the depressing atmosphere vanished.

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