Song Haoran and Lin Wenbo left the bathroom and saw Gong Lixin quietly sitting on the bed, holding a razor in his hand and looking it over. With his head tilted down, they couldn't see his expression, only two rows of fans could be seen. His curling eyelashes trembled with every breath and looked very cute.
Song Haoran and Lin Wenbo unanimously agreed, the cold expression on their faces slowly lifting as a corner of their lips raised.
"Does Lixin want to shave?[1] Big Brother Song will help you." Song Haoran said warmly without a trace of his previous temper and ruthlessness in the bathroom as he held the child's tilted head.
Lin Wenbo had wanted to say the same thing, but was beaten to it by his friends. He instead took the soap and other things from the bag into the bathroom and neatly arranged them.
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"No. I've never used this before, so I was just taking a look at it." Gong Lixin looked up and shook the razor in his hand in front of Song Haoran.
Song Haoran carefully looked at his white and delicate face. His fingertips repeatedly rubbed over his lower jaw and the side of his face, and he was stunned by the incredible smoothness beneath his hand. He said, "You have no facial hair, your face is so smooth. Looks like Lixin hasn't grown up yet, you're still a child!" He sighed low even as his hatred for Gong Xiangyi ran deeper.
Gong Lixin is not too young, but his body is different. At the age of sixteen, he should have reached the age of getting facial hair, but because of his pure yin physique, body hair, whether in the past or the present life he was unable to grow any. Even if he turned twenty-six years old, he still wouldn't be able to use these things.
He was curious though about facial hair. He debated in his heart before reaching out to touch the dark shadow on Song Haoran's chin. He was naughty and didn't stop after rubbing it twice. His smooth fingertips slid along the groove of Song Haoran's chin and down towards the Adam's apple, gently stroking it in circles.
There was no special feeling involved in between these movement, However, Gong Lixin's expression was pure and flawless and his movements were soft, unintentional and careless. It seemed more like a teasing touch rather than deliberate curiosity.
Song Haoran's throat gulped up and down and a heat wave flowed down to his groin. He immediately grabbed the child's fingertips that kept igniting the fire within, and held it tightly in the palm of his hand. What floated into his mind was the delicate white body of the child and his lovely, pink place. As a result, the heat in his body burned even brighter.
"Don't just casually touch a man's throat without permission." His voice was a little hoarse and Song Haoran's breathing was also heavy.
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"Why?" Gong Lixin looked up and asked curiously.
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"It's rude." Song Haoran slammed down the dark fire at the bottom of his heart and added in a low voice. "It's okay if you do it to me, but you must not do it to others."
"Yxjs, P xcbk." Xbcu Olzlc cbvvfv byfvlfcais, cjaegjiis wjxlcu tlwrfio mbwobgajyif lc Vbcu Ljbgjc'r fwygjmf, jr tf geyyfv tlr mtffx bc tlr rtbeivfg. Ktf lcalwjaf ufraegf mjgglfv atf lcafca ab mbjz tlw. Lf ofia atja Dlu Dgbatfg Vbcu rffwfv j ilaaif ecmbwobgajyif, bg wjsyf tf kjr j ilaaif jcugs yfmjerf bo tlr lwqbilaf yftjnlbg.