The two walked straight to the school gate and killed several zombies on the way. Gong Lixin was killing zombies with a single kick. The zombies who were kicked by him didn't die but every bone except their skull were broken, because of this the zombies became useless heaps on the ground, licking their lips but was unable do anything. It was worse than death.
Gong Lixin was clearing their path to the school gate with his strength, making Wang Tao reassured as he followed him while holding an axe, slashing at the zombies that slipped the net with a greeting to their heads.
'I'm not killing anybody; they are just a bunch of dead meat!' He repeated Gong Lixin's words in his heart like a mantra, and his slashes became fiercer and much more skilled.
By the time the two youths arrived at the school gate, Wang Tao was completely covered with blood from head to toe. When he stood next to Gong Lixin, he felt extremely embarrassed since the other boy was completely clean.
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"Where are we going?" Wang Tao whispered. They killed the guard who had become a zombie and hid in the small guard room, deciding their next move in safety.
"I want to go home. My father will send someone to pick me up." Gong Lixin's voice was flat but his expression was extremely firm.
Wang Tao looked stunned, and he dully said, "I also want to go home, but my home is in the city center. It is safe to assume that the place has long become a sea of corpses. Whether my parents are alive or not, that is unknown."
Entering the sparsely populated suburbs were one thing but the city center contained 90% of this province's population. What was going on there, Wang Tao did not dare to imagine.
"Then you will come home with me. My father will send troops to the city to rescue the people. You will go with the troops when they arrive. With your strength, you can't get out of the city center let alone bring two elderly people with you." Gong Lixin told him the harsh truth and patted Wang Tao's shoulder consolingly.
When he was a baby, he was taken away from his parents by Xiao Lin. He lived for 16 years without any parental love. Gong Lixin was able to understand Wang Tao's strong attachment to his parents even though he never had parents himself.
"En, thank you." Wang Tao nodded as he wiped away the tears in his eyes, grateful to Gong Lixin giving him a chance to find his parents. Gong Lixin might look cold and distant, but in fact he was an extremely simple and kind boy. He was a person who was very easy to get along with. Wang Tao was very grateful that he was allowed to follow Gong Lixin.
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The two looked out through the security window. From time to time, there were cars passing by the school gate accompanied by screams, sobs and wails. The zombies stalked behind these vehicles, their thin claws waving as they followed behind the vehicles slowly. The scene was horrifying.
"How are we going to go out? There are too many zombies, you can't kill them all." Wang Tao gulped as he stared through the window. Then he looked at Gong Lixin who looked at him. "Do you have a car?"
"No." Gong Lixin answered immediately as he watched the chaos on the street.
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