Just as He Jin prepared to jump down, a crisp and sweet voice rang out from afar. "Over here!"
Hearing the sound of prey, the hungry zombies turned towards the sound with their stiff movements. But they were too late to react. Pebbles shot out at the speed of lightning, hitting them and cleanly cracking their heads open.
More than a dozen zombies fell to the ground at the same time, greatly alleviating He Jin's burden. He Jin stared at the fallen corpses at his feet and saw small holes in their head. The strength needed to accomplish such a feat was indeed great. This kind of one-shot kill showed that the boy was much stronger than he thought; it also told him that the boy possessed a large number of skills other than just stunning the homeless man. He thought he had already seen the boy's full strength. He hadn't expected Gong Lixin to have a few more tricks up his sleeve. No, it may be more than just a few tricks.
'Was he really an underage child?' He Jin's were filled with uncertainty.
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The primary-level zombies were walking dead with no abilities and were incapable of thinking for themselves. They only possessed a strong desire for fresh flesh and blood. Due to this, the zombies were fearless when faced with Gong Lixin's fierce moves. The zombies turned their heads and rushed towards him. The rest of the zombies stared at the top of the truck. However, those few zombies could no longer pose He Jin a threat.
"What are you doing? Run!" He did not immediately jump off the truck to escape but moved to face Gong Lixin on the other side of the road.
Gong Lixin lifted his foot, but did not turn to run away. Instead, he rushed towards the group of zombies. He Jin saw his daring action and his heart suddenly squeezed, as if it almost forgot to beat, his mind blanked as he watched the boy's suicidal actions.
However, he was soon stunned. He saw Gong Lixin rushing towards the group of zombies. Standing on his tiptoe, the boy easily jumped on top of the zombies' head, stepping on them and using the group of zombies to run forward. The ones who were stepped on fell flat to the ground as Gong Lixin made his way to the truck.
Using his legs, several zombies were kicked and were flung underneath the cars. Gong Lixin looked up and waved at He Jin, "He Brother, come down."
He Jin stayed stunned for a while, the child had to yell a few more times before he returned to Earth and jumped off the truck.
"He Brother, let's go." Gong Lixin held He Jin's wrist, as he led the way to the abandoned building. The warm and soft touch on his wrist sent a small current throughout He Jin's body. He immediately woke up from his daze and caught up to Gong Lixin.
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Seeing their prey jump over their heads, the group of zombies screamed and turned to chase after them. Gong Lixin kicked a dead zombie towards the group, making the zombies at the front fall. The fallen zombies couldn't get back up because their joints were stiff and were unable to bend. The zombies behind them began to fall because of the obstruction.
The zombies fell one by one, like dominoes. Apart from lying on the ground, there was nothing else they could do. The scene was quite spectacular and funny.
We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.