Untitled Part 93

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The movement of Gong Lixin and his entourage was very natural and didn't attract the attention of Tan Mingyuan. He saw that the sky was getting darker. The jungle that was not too far away was covered in shadows that light couldn't cut through. He reminded the others, "Let's rest for five more minutes. All those that need to piss, hurry up and go. The car won't wait for you. If you are late, this Laozi will kick you in the crotch!"

The ability users sneered and some people immediately stood up and walked into the bushes to relieve themselves, not aware of the dangers lurking nearby.

A man whistled as he leaned back and relieved himself. He didn't notice that the dark brown soil under his feet was gradually turning into pale yellow sand. He was then surprised that under the sole of his feet, the ground had become unusually soft. A pair of skinless bones in the shape of hands with sharp nails at its ends suddenly grabbed his ankle and pulled him into the quicksand.

The man let out a scream of horror and disappeared in the blink of an eye. The pale yellow quicksand slowly returned to its former brown soil shape, but the layer of wild grass that had covered it had sunk into the ground along with the man, leaving the space bare.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

Hearing the scream of the ability user, Tan Mingyuan and the others quickly ran over to check the situation, but after a round of laps, they didn't find anything strange and had no choice but to return to their original location. A living person disappeared in a flash, leaving only a pool of warm and smelly urine. This situation was too strange and fear slowly spread in the hearts of the group members.

Tan Mingyuan took the initiative and made a decision. "Quick, leave this place immediately."

Gong Lixin and the others still sat on the rocks and didn't move. Tan Mingyuan didn't notice their strange behaviour due to his anxiety, but urged them to evacuate instead. But this time, it was already too late. Thirty diameters of grass under their feet slowly turned into sand and became a pit of quicksand which left no man alive.

They rushed to the off-road vehicle on the side of the road and raised their feet off the grass and sand. They didn't run far before their ankles were caught and they fell into the sand and could no longer pull themselves out. The group members were shocked and started struggling, but the more they struggled, the more they fell and soon, the sand had swallowed them up to their calves.

"Don't move! It's quicksand!" Tan Mingyuan shouted a warning, feeling complex and anxious, added, "We might be dealing with a third-level low-grade earth system zombie and there's probably two of them or else one couldn't have the ability to change such a large amount of soil."

After his voice fell, despair and fear erupted. A pair of hands grabbed ahold of the throats of the members and suffocated them. A third-level low-grade zombie was a god-like existence for them. Just last month, two teams of ability users on the island had met a third-level low-grade fire system zombie when they were out on a mission. At that time, they were more than 50 people yet only three survived and those three had burns all over their body and died within a few days. After that, only six of the original eight ability user teams remained and the strength of the base was greatly affected. If not for that, Bao Long and Kang Zhengyuan wouldn't agree to the presence of Gong base's forces.

Thinking of the Gong family, Tan Mingyuan discovered that Gong Lixin and his party were sitting on a rock and watched them safely. The gesture could be called leisurely, relaxed and comfortable even.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden.com

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