Ch28 - Transfer

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Wu Ming and the other two kept watch until 12 o'clock midnight, after which He Jin woke up for the second half. When He Jin got up, Gong Lixin also opened his eyes and he wasn't disorientated despite the darkness.

The two that took over the guard shift first went to take a look at the three meter wall and at the zombies still roaring from time to time. When they saw that none of the zombies could scale the wall, the two men relaxed slightly and returned to the first floor hall. He Jin offered for Gong Lixin to continue sleeping but Gong Lixin waved his hand and said, "No."

The child was barely able to convince him and this made him show his displeasure. However, his heart was more selfish. Obviously, everyone here was also a child but with Gong Lixin, he didn't see any arrogance or selfishness. Compared to Lu Yun, the difference was so stark it was like heaven and earth. It was quite worrisome.

The lobby was empty and the gray concrete wall was bare and exposed, giving off a heavy dusty smell. There were no lights in the building due to the lack of electric wiring, making it quite dark. The only light came from a small flashlight in He Jin's hand. Of course, even if there were lights, they didn't dare turn on the lights. The zombies were sensitive to sound and were as equally sensitive to light.

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The night was long, the zombies were noisy outside while there was silence inside the hall. He Jin turned towards the child and whispered, "Why didn't you go to the army with your father? Otherwise, you would not have been left behind now."

"He might have been afraid that, since I am young, I would add chaos to the situation. The people in the army were gathered and guns were distributed but it was not as safe as staying at home." Gong Lixin was exceptionally intelligent and could understand Gong Yuanhang's pains with little thought.

"I see!" He Jin sneered, his expression extremely dissatisfied. "He leaves you home alone and calls it safe? If it were me, I would take you with me at all times."

Gong Lixin waved his hand and denied, "No, my sister was also at home."

"Your sister still let you go out of the house?" He Jin's brows scrunched up so tight that his face became darker than the night sky outside.

Gong Lixin's jaw dropped open in surprise. His eyes drooped as well and he didn't talk anymore after that. He didn't want to complain to anyone about Gong Xiangyi intentionally hiding this fact. After all, the other party was his sister. Moreover, she just let him go out and hadn't done anything to directly harm him. This was still within his level of tolerance. It was just slightly more troublesome to get to safety.

The child's eyelashes cast two fan-like shadows under the illumination of the flashlight, covering the emotions in his eyes. But inexplicably, He Jin could feel his despair and disappointment from his huddled body.

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