Untitled Part 85

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The car stopped every so often as they gradually approached Long Snake Island. Song Haoran also enjoyed the sweet and painful torture along the way. Gong Lixin's bottom was soft and his hard place constantly rubbed against it. This gained him countless knife-like glares from Lin Wenbo.

Dusk two days later- the team finally got off the road and prepared to spend the night in the deserted wilderness. They were more than three hundred kilometers away from Long Snake Island, but Father Gong didn't intend to hurry through the night. Instead, he ordered everyone to rest and wait until the next day when everyone was full of energy. Because if they wanted to enter Long Snake Island, they were likely to have a hard fight on their hands and not having any energy would be bad.

Gong Lixin had long been accustomed to the hard stick under his ass and no longer felt shy or surprised. Seeing the car park on the edge of a barren forest, he also got ready to get up and exit the car.

"Lixin, wait." Song Haoran blushed and pulled his hand.

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"Big Brother Song, what's wrong?" Gong Lixin turned back and touched the corners of Song Haoran's face with worry as he looked into the man's red eyes.

Lin Wenbo also stopped and directed his cold, knife-like eyes at his noisy friend. He never knew that his friend, besides his shortcoming of having a short temper, was actually a man with no tact and no bottom line. This completely destroyed the previous image of Song Haoran's arrogant self that could be seen normally.

Song Haoran turned a blind eye to his friend's stinging gaze, took Gong Lixin's hand and whispered, "Lixin, keep me company in the car. My legs are numb and I can't move."

"Hn, I'll help you. It will soon be fine." Gong Lixin nodded without hesitation. With his hand on the other's calves, he slowly made his way up little by little.

"Ha~" Acupuncture-like pain came forth so Song Haoran inhaled sharply. His legs had gone numb from Gong Lixin sitting on his lap.

Lin Wenbo saw that the painful expression wasn't an act so that they could be alone together. A man who could get horny any time, anywhere. A man who could get hard and release in front of others from a hug and friction didn't really care about Xiaoxin and should not be left alone with him. Xiaoxin was still young and at a sensitive age. He was unable to differentiate between like and love, and was now likely to be misled by his friend. When he matured and became sensible in the future, he would inevitably regret and resent it. However, while he really thought about Xiaoxin's fate, he was still a good friend and walked away from the duo.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Qtfc Olc Qfcyb kjixfv jkjs, Vbcu Ljbgjc rajgfv ja atf affcjufg ktb mbcmfcagjafv bc tlr wjrrjuf. Ktf ojlca gfv lc tlr fsfr ugjvejiis aegcfv lcab jc fnli gfv. Lf ifjcfv bnfg jcv ugjyyfv atf sbecu wjc'r rtbeivfgr. Lf xlrrfv tlr qlcx ilqr jcv atbeuta jybea atf ijra akb vjsr jcv akb clutar jr tf kjr olcjiis jyif ab ygfjatf. Lf ilmxfv atf affcjufg'r affat klat atf alq bo tlr abcuef jcv mbcalcefv klat tlr qfcfagjalbc bo atf batfg'r wbeat, ajxlcu lc jii bo atf affcjufg'r ygfjat. Ktf sbecu wjc'r mtffxr kfgf gfv ogbw atf xlrr, tlr fsfr kfgf uijhfv bnfg jcv tf ijlv rboais lc Vbcu Ljbgjc'r jgwr, ralii agslcu ab gfaegc atf xlrr.

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"How is it? Do you like kissing like this?" whispered Song Haoran as he bit the youth's round and lovely earlobe.

"Hn, I like it." Gong Lixin nodded honestly. The sound of his voice was clear with a hint of nasally sound, like a spoiled one learning the language of love. Almost like the soft language of Yangzhou girls that can touch people's heart.

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