After three days of continuous labor, all the grain in the field had been harvested. Bundles of rice were eared, dried, then packed in sacks for storage in silos for grain. Corns were strung with hemp ropes, dried under the eaves before being peeled and stored away. Sweet potatoes were washed, cooked, peeled, sliced, dried with fire and frost before finally turning into dried sweet potatoes that were easy to preserve. Fresh vegetables were marinated and those that couldn't be, were put into the space of space ability users. Although they didn't know if it would be eaten by those people, but in this time of emergency, such measures were needed.
In the next two months, the entire base was busy processing these foods and it seemed to be flourishing for a while, leaving the imminent issue of food sources behind. However, the idle Bao Long and Kang Zhengyuan kept thinking about the coming disaster and looked at the gloomy eyes of more than 3000 slaves.
While the two were wondering if it was time to kill some people to save food, a phone call came from Xiangcui Bay in Kyoto, stating that they would be receiving a VIP visit in two days.
The two let go of their thoughts and planned to take such actions after receiving their guests. At the same time, Gong Yuanhang had also been invited to greet the guests with them. Gong Yuanhang couldn't refuse and nodded in agreement.
Please visit
"Bao Long and Kang Zhengyuan were afraid that I would get involved in base affairs. Why would they let me go and pay respects with them at such a moment? I'm afraid there's more to it than meets the eye. They just want to dig a pit and wait for me to jump into it." Two days later, Gong Yuanhang had sent away the guards that were sent by Bao Long to invite him to greet the guests and said so to his son who was accompanying him.
"Dad, I'll go with you. If they dare frame you, I'll kill them directly." Gong Lixin said so casually while playing with a third-level mid-grade power system nucleus. This crystal core was originally intended to be given to Wang Tao, but Wang Tao had just been promoted to second-level high-grade and the strength of this nucleus was a full level higher. If he hastened to absorb it, he would explode. So Gong Lixin was temporarily keeping it in this office and played with it when he was bored.
"This child, don't just open your mouth and spew kill, kill, kill. Use your brain and find some other way!" Father Gong pretended to knock his son's head pretentiously. This child of his also grew crooked and became more and more violent, but his mind was as simple as before, as if he didn't grow at all. This made Father Gong want to cry and laugh with worry. In the apocalypse, mankind couldn't live without killing. This kind of change was natural and there was no need to correct it. He just hoped that his son would always have good intentions and kindness for others, but he also didn't want his son to become a lamb to be slaughtered by others. Killing was better than being killed.
"So, what do we do?" Gong Lixin tilted his head and asked seriously.
"Responding to change without the change happening, let's go and see first what happens." Father Gong got up and rubbed his son's inky smooth hair.
We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Qlatbea rjslcu jcsatlcu, Xbcu Olzlc abbx j ibbx ja tlr ojatfg, yilcxfv lc mbcoerlbc jcv obiibkfv yftlcv tlw, rafq ys rafq. Po atlcur vlv mtjcuf, tf'v tjnf ab xlii Djb Obcu jcv Bjcu Itfcusejc! Lf kjr gfrbieaf jybea atja.
Ktf ijguf bqfc olfiv vfvlmjafv ab atf qglrbcfgr ab qijs lc tjv yffc fwqalfv ys Djb Obcu jcv Bjcu Itfcusejc. Ktf tlutfg gjcx wfwyfgr jwbcura atf qglrbcfgr jcv qglrbc uejgvr rabbv yftlcv atfw, kjlalcu obg atf NPUr mbwlcu ogbw Wljcumel Djs ab jgglnf.