He Jin blinked, his sharp eyes swept over the beggar and his low-pitched voice carefully asked: "How familiar are you with the sewers? You know, if we go down and you can't remember the way and get us lost, you're likely to bring us to an even more dangerous place."
The beggar smugly wiped his tear-stained face, his tone was not as humble and timid as before and had a rare firmness and self-confidence to it, "I have lived there for two years. Don't mention the whole city, I wouldn't even get lost in the suburbs. I was there in the cold of winter, it was cool in summer, made a shelter against strong winds and I lived better there than above ground. If there wasn't a torrential rain and the pipeline getting blocked, drowning my two brothers, I would still be living underground."
He Jin saw his clear eyes and saw no signs of him lying. He nodded lightly and asked, "How long would it take to reach the military compound from here?"
The beggar thought about it and said with certainty, "The military compound is pretty far, it takes more than two hours to drive there and it takes about four or five hours to walk there."
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"Alright, tomorrow, you will help us by leading the way. In exchange, we'll give you some food." He Jin said to the beggar and the other looked excited, thanking profusely for the food.
He Jin turned and said to the people around him. "We will leave at noon tomorrow. In the morning, we will go outside to collect some ropes, lights, food and water."
"Yes!" All the people shouted in unison, their eyes filled with hope.
"He Brother, Young Master Gong, can you let us follow you?" Gu Nan faintly whispered, Ma Jun heard his words and immediately nodded his head in agreement.
Previously, Gu Nan had overheard He Jin mentioning how the zombies' actions were getting more flexible. Seeing is believing and thus, he went to carefully observe for a while and, indeed, the speed of zombies was increasing. Sooner or later, the outer walls would not be able to obstruct the zombies.
Moreover, even masters like Young Master Gong was eager to leave instead of waiting for his father to come to the rescue. It was obvious that this was not a safe place to hide in in the long run. Gu Nan wanted to live and dared to negotiate. Ma Jun had no opinion about Gu Nan's decision and didn't mind following Young Master Gong. He felt a sense of security with him that he could not describe. [1]
He Jin raised his brows and stared at them coldly but didn't speak.
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We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Xe Rjc kjr tewyifg jcv mjealberis boofgfv: "Ktf ecvfgugbecv qlqfilcfr jgf mbwqilmjafv. Gjgx qijmfr mbeiv mjggs cewfgber tlvvfc vjcufgr. Kkb wbgf qfbqif lc atf afjw klii jvv akb wbgf qjlgr bo fsfr ab tfiq. Ca atf wlilajgs mbwqbecv, lo atf jgws tjr cba jgglnfv sfa jcv kf tjnf ab rajs atfgf obg j ofk vjsr, Zj Aec jcv P mjc tfiq xffq kjamt. Tbe mjc riffq obg j ofk wbgf tbegr lc atf cluta. Ccv kf mjc olcv obbv obg begrfinfr, kf klii cfnfg ybatfg sbe bg Tbecu Zjrafg Xbcu!" Pc atf fcv, Xe Rjc'r fsfr gfnfjifv tlr tbqfr.
The sentence "Can sleep for a few more hours in the night" caught He Jin's attention. When he thought about the child's small body, it was obviously in need of sleep and nutrition. His mind was hesitant and looked at the child. He asked, "Lixin, what do you think?"