At the end of the 'Pit Kill', Gong Lixin saw no more evolved zombies. Only slow-moving primary zombies remained, and they didn't pose a threat to the others. He turned and waved at the five armoured vehicles, signalling that they could collect the fuel.
The door opened and the members of the other groups held their breaths as they moved far away from the deep pit. They rushed to the fuel depot as if a beast chased them.
The five newcomers who joined in and followed their footsteps looked on in vain. They saw the ten people standing beside the pit with bored and lazy expressions. In the newcomers' eyes, they now respected the ten people greatly. Although the team's methods were mean- okay, it was ferocious! But these ferocious methods that had been used to deal with the zombies were too stimulating!
The five people came back to Earth and respectfully greeted Gong Lixin before fleeing the scene.
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"Li Dongsheng, help them collect fuel. Others are free to move about and find whatever you're interested in." Gong Lixin waved his hand, dismissing his team. With this shocking 'Pit Kill', the evolved zombies nearby were not willing to approach so easily.
"Okay." After the nine people agreed, they dispersed.
Luo Dahai ran a few steps before turning back. He quickly said, "Boss, don't forget to collect some Scutellaria seeds."
"I know." Gong Lixin nodded. After Luo Dahai walked away, he turned his palm. Within his five-fingers, a white flame made of ice and fire formed, which was then shot towards the bottom of the pit.
The black liquid was first sucked into his palm, which then turned into ice before shattering into a black mist. The black mist dispersed, leaving only small sand-like blue seeds. After the seeds fell into Gong Lixin's hands, he dismissed the white flame.
The seeds were then placed into his pocket before he sat beside the pit to recover his internal force. In one year, Song Haoran and Lin Wenbo had all entered the second-level high-grade. They would soon break through to the third-level. His team members were also in the second-level mid-grade. Only he and his four abilities still hadn't broken through to the third-level and had stagnated at the peak of second-level.
However, he was not in a hurry. In his previous life, he had been practicing since he was three years old. He had also taken countless remedies for improvement. At sixteen, he had only cultivated to the fourth-level. In this life, only after two years of cultivation and he had already reached the peak of second-level, which had exceeded his expectations. Therefore, as long as he was determined to cultivate, he would eventually breakthrough.
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After circulating his internal force through his body for 36 cycles, Gong Lixin opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. Four helicopters dispatched by the military had arrived and were hovering over the fuel depot. They transported a few tons of fuel brought up by power ability users in batches.
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As this was all happening, distant evolved zombies began moving towards them. However, after smelling the scents in the wind, they quickly re-thought their actions. Therefore, the following tasks were carried out safely.
Qtfc atf afjw wfwyfgr bo atf obeg ugbeqr tjv mbwqifafv atflg ajrxr, atflg vffq ugjalaevf abkjgvr atf ijra ugbeq revvfcis yfmjwf tjagfv. Ktfs rjk Xbcu Olzlc ribkis rajcv eq, jcv j ktlaf rcbk-ilxf olgf ibaer yibrrbwfv lc tlr tjcv yfobgf la kjr rfca oieaafglcu lcab atf qla.