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IMAGINE you were doing your morning jog on the shore when you see a familiar sailboat pulling in to the port.
It was your last day at the beach and you decided to make the most of it since you have been watching this one sailor very closely the entire week of your vacation
You walk to the boat and you're met with friendly grins on the seven sailor's faces.
"Do you want some fresh fish?" One of them asks and you shake your head no
"I just came to say hi" you glance at the one who has caught your eye this entire week and he smiles at you
"It's nice to meet you. Do you live around here?" He asks and you shake your head no
"I'm from new York" he grins
"A city gal? Well why don't you join us for a bit on the open water? You'll never want to live in the city again" you bit your lip and debated the offer
"Alright" you mutter and he does a dorky fist pump
You climb on to the boat and you sail the open sea when another man suggests that you fish
"I dont know how" you whine and he grins
"Don't worry we'll teach you" with that he helps you with the line and hook and you throw it into the sea getting a loud cheer from all of the sailors
When a fish finally bites you yell in excitement and your crush helps you pull out the fish. You proudly hold it in your hands for a pic before you throw it back into the water
"You're right. I don't wanna go back to the city." You mumble and the sailor gives you a wide smile

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