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IMAGINE you were scared as you did backup vocals for your boyfriend's band. Tonight was the night you wanted to propose to him in front of a crowd. They end the song and you knew it was your cue to walk forward and hold up the light.
The technicians kill all the lights in the stadium and when he looks into the crowd, the lights spell out "will you marry me yoongi?" He gasps, a hand over his mouth and he turns around seeing you on one knee.
Everyone screamed as he took the mic and said yes. You get up smiling through the tears slipping a ring onto his finger
Everyone cheered and the rest of the band was moved to tears as they all hugged you tight (:

Hiii guys, in an hour, I will be publishing a new book. It will be a Yoongi fanfic, so watch out for that!
Probably by the time you are reading this, it will already be published😂🙈

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