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You hated him. You hated him with every fiber in your being but you quickly dismiss that thought as he slams you against a wall, his lips against your neck and you can feel him pressed against your thigh. Your fingers threads through his hair and pull him impossibly closer to you as your lips find each other in a haste kiss.
You knew you should stop this because you were already in too deep, but you didnt care. Your body was in control now, not your heart or your mind.
He is the school's bad boy with bad grades, drugs and the title 'playboy' tied to him. You couldn't understand why he keeps on coming back to you, though. Usually he sleeps with a girl and leaves her the next morning but with you it was different.
This has been the fourth time this month he has called you up to hook up with him. You didn't know this, but your innocence drove him mad and he wanted to corrupt you in anyway possible.
"Do you have a condom?" You ask breathlessly as he starts sucking on your neck, leaving dark purple marks in the place of his lips
"Mhmm" he mutters against your skin, bringing a condom out of his pocket and you grin, tugging his leather jacket off before you run your hands over his prominent abs
"I want you." You mumble and he nods, picking you up and placing you on his bed.
His room was filled with playgirl posters, a piano and a guitar. He also had a dog but he locked him out of the room because he didn't want him to cockblock you both.
He hovers above you and you slip his shitt off easily as he kisses you again, his bare chest pressing against yours.
You knew you should stop this affair but as he unbuttons your jean, you quickly dismiss that thought
not today, at least

Imma stop putting warnings on the beginning of the chapters because you all will anyway read it

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