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IMAGINE yoongi, your husband, has been on tour for a few weeks now and you were currently video calling him and the band. They already knew your secret and they promised not to tell yoongi so they leave you two alone.
"How have you been babe?" Yoongi asks and you smile
"Tired honestly and Ive been missing you a lot." He smiles at you
"I miss you too. It's just a few more weeks baby then I'll be home." You nod and bite your lip to keep yourself from smiling
"I know. Someone's really excited to meet you." He frowns questioningly
"Who? Babe did you adopt another dog?" He asks with wide eyes and you're quick to shake your head no.
"No but we do both have a new responsibility..." You trail off and he frowns even more.
"Did you get any type of animal? Which is the most responsibility? Probably a cat. Did you get a cat?"
You throw your head back laughing
"No. Yoongi i-" you take a deep breath "I'm pregnant"
"What?" He asks with wide eyes
"I'm pregnant." You say with a smile on your lips and his hand goes to his heart, tears forming in his eyes and a small grin is on his lips
"Really?" He asks with so much hope in his voice and you nod, running a hand over your stomach
"We're going to be parents! I'm going to be a dad!" Yoongi exclaims and he is pulled into hugs by all the members around him, especially his best friend hobi. Everyone was very happy for the two of you.
"Congratulations guys" namjoon says with a smile and he pats yoongi on the back "you're going to be an amazing father, we just know it"

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