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It was a warm day outside, a nice spring day, when y/n heard a knock on her front door. Getting up from the couch, she runs to the door in excitement, her sundress making the task easy. She was waiting for a package she ordered online, a bunch of new paint and brushes to do art with.

She was, however, a little disappointed when she opened the door and it was the boy from next door. At least she liked him but he wasn't the package.

"What do you want?" the pout on her face visible and her friend wondered why she was sad.

"Do you want to hang out? It's such a nice day outside and you look like you need some cheering up." She nods and follows her friend to the road where they sit on the sidewalk.

"What's wrong koala?" it was a nickname Yoongi had for his friend and she sighs, poking a leaf with a stick.

"I'm waiting for some art supplies in the mail but it's been 4 days and I haven't gotten anything yet." The pout returns to y/n's face and immediately Yoongi wants to make his friend feel better.

"How about I drive you to town tomorrow and we can visit the art shop there hmm?" Immediately Yoongi sees y/n's face lighting up. She gives him an unexpected kiss on the cheek and he blushes softly.

"Thank you Yoongles."

"Do you want to watch the sunset with me?" y/n nods and she watches Yoongi lie down in the street, his arms tucked underneath his head and he pats the spot next to him, the girl lying down too.

"It's beautiful." y/n mumbles, her blue eyes filled with wonder as she stares at the sight. The sky was filled with orange and blue and pink, something she'd love to paint.

"It is beautiful." Yoongi was however not looking at the sky. He was looking at the girl next to him with a smile on his face. She can feel his stare on the side of her face and as she turns to face him, he shifts closer, kissing her softly. Surprised by the sudden action, y/n has no time to respond and Yoongi immediately pulls back.

"I'm so sorry. I thought you liked me too. I'm sorry for invading your personal space." Her friend mumbles, sitting upright with a blush on his cheeks and a small smile forms on her lips because the boy who she likes, actually likes her back.

"I like you too Yoongi. I was just surprised that's all." She mumbles sitting up too. She kisses his cheek softly and he smiles at her.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." She mumbles wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him close.

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