The Radiance In the Empty Skies

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The year is 2019, The Helium Wars of 2013 left the Earth as a Nuclear Wasteland, and a company rose to organize what little humanity was left: "Better Living Industries". But throughout time things started to take a turn for the worse... the corporation wanted to make civilians mindless and obedient, thoughtless and pale, with a medicine called "Happinax". However, out in the desert, far away from Battery City (Better Living Industries' capital) an insurgence rose, planning and waiting for the day when Better Living will fall and freedom is be reinstated in people's minds.

Our story begins out in the desert where the sun shines at 112ºF with a lone 24 year old man. He is sitting in his car with the windows up; he searches for the right frequency of the radio station that got him out into the desert: 109.9 WKIL. His glasses are dirty from all the sand that has been blown by the wind, his long black hair up to his neck is a mess on the pilot seat's headrest, while his clothes coming from a lost container in the desert begin losing the small amount of color in them and get covered in more sand.

WAIT! He's picking up something on the radio, sounds like distorted cries for help...maybe coming from Battery City, who knows? kkkkkkk .....will we...burn...inside...the fires...kkkkkkkkkkk......of A Thousand Suns? Kkk....For the sins....kkkk.of..our....hands... .kkk kk..kk.....the the...sins...of.our.... father.......the...sins....kkkkkkkk....of...our....yo ....kkkk........kkkkk.....

All he does to survive is run from Draculoids, SCARECROWs and Exterminators sent by Better Living Industries, try not to get in trouble with others living outside Battery City and work in whatever place and whatever job he can to get food, money and gas. He hopes that one day, when he has given up hope in his search through the Zones, the famous "Killjoys" will encounter him and they'll let him join the Rebellion to free both humans and robots from BL/ind... at least, that's what Shigeru Sykes hopes.

We knew the world would not be the same.....kkkkkkkkkkk... A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent....... ...kkkkkkkk.....I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita: Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him takes on his multi-armed form and says "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"............kkkkkk.. ...I suppose we all thought way or another.... ...kkkkkkkkkkkkkk...

Alright kiddos, that was Julius Robert Oppenheimer after creating the first atomic bomb, way before our nuclear times in the Helium Wars, who would've thought that this old creation set in stone what is now our present? But alas, my Motor-babies, now let's try something else; a slower number entitled "Burning In The Skies" by some Californian fellas called LINKIN PARK.

- Shigeru: Okay, found the station, now let me check my stuff... Dammit! I'm running out of supplies again... This stupid sun is killing me, if I don't die from radiation I'll die from dehydration... I got 2 more "PowerPup!" cans... I need to find the Killjoys or even more blood of innocence will be purified in flames.

He gets inside his car, turns it on and starts his search yet again. Even if the days were fiery hot and the nights freezing cold, every time he felt down he just needed to hear Dr. Death Defying spell out news from the Killjoys or a small speech to get his hopes back up.



The "President" of Battery City... a woman known as Helena Yamauchi, The Watcher Of The Skies they call her... whose teenage years were spent as someone who studied extremely hard, got PERFECT notes and wouldn't be stopped by anyone to achieve her idea of perfection, but her compulsion towards wanting people to be exactly like she wanted them to be and the desire for everything to be perfect to her no matter the cost, created someone much different than the cute and friendly girl that graduated with top honors, they turned her into the 25 year old aggressive, paranoid and perfectionist woman she is now; however, circumstances hadn't called for her to go beyond strict until now, she used to just be able to call her SCARECROW Unit and they would decimate whoever was being a troublemaker.

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