Century Breaker

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- Gerard: Hey Shigeru! Has Chester showed you the place yet?

- Shigeru: Yeah, yeah. I'm still getting used to it.

- Gerard: 'kay, well Cydonia isn't that big so it shouldn't be that hard knowing your way around.

- Shigeru: Yeah. So... what do I do now? What's my first mission?

- Gerard: Well, we're gonna need to know what you're good at and what we need to train you in. So I'm gonna take you with  Hiroshi Lee.

- Shigeru (walking with Gerard to the garage): Okay and... who is he?

- Gerard: Apparently he was a general fighting for BL/ind way back in the day but then switched sides, so now he's taught us a lot about combat.

- Shigeru: Ohhh.

- Gerard: Yeah, so hop onto the PAX-AM and we'll go to your little "practice arena", he should be already there.

They hop onto the PAX-AM and drive to a building close to the edge of Zone 2, where a pretty buff dude with spikey short yellow hair and a red shirt with black jeans waits for his fellow rebels.

- Hiroshi: Hey Party!

- Gerard: Hey Algorithm! This is our newest recruit, Shigeru.

- Shigeru: Hi!

- Hiroshi: ...Well at least I hope he's better than Steam.

- Gerard: I think he's got some surprises up his alley. You know what to do. I'll be back to pick you up, Shigeru.

- Shigeru: W-where are you going?

- Gerard: Back to Cydonia. Don't worry, Algorithm will t-

- Algorithm: I'm not a fucking nanny!

- Party: I know, but you are more experienced in fighting than he is.

- Algorithm: And most of you as well hahaha.

. Party: Whatever hahaha, just don't get ghosted! (*gets back on PAX-AM and leaves*)

- Hiroshi: So, what do you know about fighting? or shooting anything for that matter.

- Shigeru: Oh... well, I'm alright with a ray gun... I think.

- Algorithm: And how about melee?

- Shigeru: ...Not so much.

- Algorithm: I figured... anyway, as Party said, I'll be teaching you some moves. Just don't fuck around okay? And be warned, I won't be so nice during the training, 'cause the fuckers out there won't care about you and WILL ghost you if you let them, got it?

- Shigeru: Yeah.

- Algorithm: Good.

- Shigeru: So... what's... what are we gonna do today?

- Algorithm: We'll see what you can do...

Hiroshi goes to a corner of the room, turns on a radio and starts looking for a frequency until he finds one with some interference playing an old song; then he tells Shigeru to try to defend himself and knock Hiroshi down if he can.

.....kkkkk....Sing us a song of the century, louder than bombs and eternity. The era of static and contraband, leading us into the promised land, tell us a story that's by candlelight, waging a war and losing the fight. They're playing the song of the century, of panic and promise and prosperity. Tell me a story into that goodnight......kkkkkkkkk..... sing us a song for me...

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