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- Century Breaker: So what's your story Michael?

- Kobra Kid: Me?

- Century Breaker: No, I meant High Voltage, what's your story?

- Michael Otani: Oh, well, let's see...I've been digging into crates ever since I was living in Battery City, before the rat race and before Party formed the killjoys, I was hiding around the alleys and when I had the chance, I joined the right side.

- Party: Yeah, he was one of the first Killjoys that joined us and helped out a fucking ton in the beginning.

- Century Breaker: Ohh. And how did you join? Or how did you meet?

- High Voltage: BL/ind has tried to shake us all, I was living in Battery City with my parents,  but they were involved in a fuck ton of fights against Happinax, so one day a bunch of Dracs showed up and......literally shocked my parents to death.

- Century Breaker: What? In front of you?

- Voltage: Yeah, it wasn't that pleasant to watch.

- Century Breaker: And why didn't they just shoot or burn them?

- Desolation: Shigeru! What kind of question is that?

- Century: Just a question, I think that because we all know how much she fucking adores doing that, you know...

- Voltage: Don't worry Chester; I don't even know the reason myself... I... I guess they maybe like... ran out of ideas and maybe wanted to try something new? It's very fucking wierd to think about it that way, but... I guess it could be, technically, of you shock someone to death, you burn them, right?

- Century: Yeah... Yeah I guess so...

- Voltage: Anyways, after that I escaped home and started living in alleys surviving from food thrown in the garbage and one day I noticed a bright and colorful car was smashing the BL/ind police and so I got close to them saying if I could join them because I wanted to avenge my parents and eliminate Better Living; the driver ended up being Party and accepted, that's when the Killjoys really started to grow.

- Century Breaker: Oh, so you kind of found him, Party?

- High Voltage: Ye, we happened to be at the right place at the right time.

- Party: We weren't really trying to get people to join us at that point, but recruiting Voltage was a really good decision because he now takes care of all the tech shit while we go killing Dracs and Scarecrows.

- Kobra: Hey! I do too.

- High Voltage: That's right Party, Mikey helps a lot as well.

- Party: It's just that he's my little brother so-

- Kobra: I'm fucking thirty, Gerard! I can handle myself very easily!

- Party: That language Mikey!

- Century Breaker: Okay Okay, don't fight, we don't want this turning into a-

- Party: Yeah, we should stop.

- Fun: You guys are the funniest brothers ev-

- The Way bros: FUN! SHUT UP!

- Fun: Just saying...

- Voltage: Anyway, so I joined Poison and his gang of nuts. They taught me how to shoot, how to fight in case I lost my gun or the battery ran out, we made plans to infiltrate Battery City again and then others like Chester joined.

- Desolation: Yep, I joined them after Voltage.

- Voltage: And so, one day Fun asked me what my Killjoy alias was gonna be.

- Fun: It was very amusing watching him come up with the name.

- Voltage: And I thought: "What do I want to live for?" I wanted to avenge my parents and they were shocked to death; so the only alias I thought of was High Voltage, it was the unforgettable sound from my parents' screams bringing me up and taking me down coming at me from every side: High Voltage.

Melanie Iwata / Quiet Steam, a girl with really long black crackly hair, eye shadow, a black jacket with symbols on it and tight pants, suddenly bursts into the room as if she just ran a million miles.

- Melanie Iwata: GUYS! Guys! *Pant* *pant* I...I ah, I was doing the regular check-up on our supplies and *pant* we're....we're out of Power Pup! cans and we only have a dozen batteries, you Fabulous 5 use too many batteries!

- Party: Okay, okay! We gonna go get some stuff from the city tomorrow, relax.......And we don't use too many batteries, it's just that...tha-

- Fun: It's just that we like to shoot random stuff so...no big deal hahaha.

- Party: Frank! Don't say tha-

- Quiet Steam: Don't worry, Gerard. *pant* You can't fool me, you love wasting batteries.

- Cherri: Okay! Jeez. Gee already said that we're going for more supplies tomorrow, so what's the big deal?

- Steam: You better, or we won't be able to eat for the next week, besid-

- Jet: Yesssssss, we got it, Mel!

- Steam: Uggghh, you boys are so...so-

- Voltage: I'm sorry? We're what, hun?

- Steam: No, not you, sweetheart. The rest...whatever, I'm going back to my work. Later! (Leaves the cafeteria, showing everyone the three green waves that form her logo on her backside)

- Kobra: Jesus, I have ZERO clue how you manage to be her boyfriend, Mike.

- Voltage: What can I say? I'm just THAT awesome.

- Everyone but High Voltage: Ahhhhh hahahaa.

- Sky Blue: Sure, Michael...Sure. Hahahaha.

- Voltage: What? Does no one fucking believe me?

- Party: Just... just... not really.

(*Everyone laughs*)


Hey everyone! I'll do this one quick 'cause life's gotten a bit all over the place lately for me.

Whatever, just... Thank you for reading, this chapter was sort of inspired by LINKIN PARK's "H! Vltg3", I'll read you later and Keep Running!

Conventional Killjoy Hunting PartyWhere stories live. Discover now