Caged in simulations

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Amy walks in between alleyways and tiny streets looking for spare electronics and other devices to build a little ray gun, and as she passes some robots, a few of them light up briefly while others start emitting strange noises that draw her attention.

- Random droid: ....kkkkk.... Am...kkkkk.... Miy.....kkkkk....

- Amy: Uhh... Yeah... sorry dude, not interested...

- Droid: ....kkkk... Amy....kkkk.... Miy.....kkkk.....oto....kkkk....

The droid's speaker busts and the robot falls to the ground, but a few feet forwards and on the opposite wall, a screen lights up with the face of a woman on it.

- Screen: Hey.....kkkkk.... you're Amy, .....kkkk.... right?

- Amy: W...who are you? And what do you want?

- Screen: Calm down....kkkkkk..... listen, I know this is strange, but you're the only one who can listen to me.....kkkkkkk.... and do something.

Through some interference, Amy can distinguish the lady on the screen to have shoulder-length wavy hair, round glasses and a bit of a Japanese look to her face.

- Amy: Who are you?

- Screen: A long time ago.....kkkkk.... I was... Shigeko... um... I... I don't really know a last name so... anyway, I was a dancer... then....kkkkk.... the Helium Wars struck, and when Better Living Industries pacified the planet, I was forced into an office to little by little erase artistic expressions from society. After someone who I DO NOT KNOW rebelled against Helena Yamauchi, she turned me into.... Well... this...

- Amy: What the fuck?

- Shigeko: I'm not sure... that part of my memory has been erased. All I know is that she programmed me... or turned me into a computer because of someone who neglected her orders, then she tried to erase the files of my past, but I hid those and instead she destroyed my memories of that person.

- Amy: Why did she do that?

- Shigeko: When I don't do what she demands me to do or she gets mad at me... she hurts me by erasing my files.

- Amy: Fucking hell ...aaand what do you want from me again?

- Shigeko: I have been watching you through surveillance cameras just buying Happinax but not actually consuming it, try-

- Amy (whispering): How the fuck do you know that?

- Shigeko: To a computer it's simple, you may fool Dracs of Scarecrows but I know the formula and effects perfectly, so from small things I can tell you're off charts, but I didn't want to tell Helena about you just yet because I wanted to make a big reveal.

- Amy: Huh... So you wanted to sell me out.

- Shigeko: Initially. I was programmed by Helena to do this kind of job.... But I guess that maybe I see in you things that I would have done if I was... you know... still a human. Something about just seemed... different; not buying Happinax, having feelings for your lost ones...

- Amy: What the fuck do you mean by lost ones?

- Shigeko: Haruko?

- Amy: Shut... the fuck up! I lost my sister thanks to your bullshit.

- Shigeko: I didn't mean it.

- Amy: Oh I'm fucking sure you didn't, you all made it perfectly clear when the Scarecrow Unit went to clear out our place.

- Shigeko: I... I'm sorry, okay? I've lost people too...

- Amy: Whatever...

- Shigeko: Well... so... after some research from my part I decided that I want to help you. Or... I guess... we can help each other.

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