Better Living Industries (BL/ind.)

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After ordering the capture of both Grace Jeanette and Shigeru Sykes, Yamauchi doubled the amount of Happinax ads while also instructing upon her Scarecrows and Draculoids to look for as much evidence as they can find of both escapists. Now, we change scenery and encounter a 26 year old woman, walking down some grey streets trying to keep a low profile but being aware of her surroundings to avoid any encounters with Exterminators if possible. As if she was any other civilian from Battery City, she enters a supermarket and gets a screen shoved in front of her.

- Commercial screen showing a bottle of pills: Look at the world, it's a complicated place and it's hard to keep the pace; but you've got to wear a smiling face. By taking Better Living Industries' top selling product "Happinax" you'll feel so much better and show the world a bright smile on your face.

- Employee from BL/ind. in the commercial: What we've got is a blue line special on TRUTH, it's the hottest thing with the youth; you've got nerves we need to soothe. That's why we've improved the formula of Happinax, in order to make you feel even better for the same price of 10 carbons.

- Helena, speaking to the camera: If you've got to believe in something, believe in us 'cause we'll make it easy: Better Living Industries.

Amy starts looking along the isles for some "Power Pup" which is canned dog food, although it has traces of Happinax in it, the dosage is not enough to cause humans much effects. As she does this, other robots tell her what to buy.

- Robot 1: Shop around, see if you don't agree....we think Happinax fits you to a T, and the best part is its free...(*doubting*)...I believ-

- Robot 2: We've got the market covered this time, no empty spots, Happinax can make you feel fine, AND it could impact your bottom line.

- Amy Miyamoto: Ummm thank you, but I'm buying food for my dog, I already have enough Happinax.

- Robot 1: You can never have enough Happinax, there are laws that make a visit to the supermarket illegal if you do not purchase a dose of Happinax.

- Amy Miyamoto: (*sigh*) whatever... just give me 1 bottle, small one please.

- Robot 2: Coming right up!

The robot hands Amy a white apple-sized bottle with the BLI logo, their slogan and "Happinax – 20mg – small bottle" on the label.

Amy: Thank you... I'll just buy that and these cans of Power Pup.

Robot 2: That should be 50 carbons.

And so, Amy pays her dog food and obligatory dose of Happinax, even though she hasn't taken a single pill in weeks... Luckily no one at her job has noticed this because she always has had a smile on her face and looked fine even though she could be going through really tough times. She exits the supermarket to get to her house as quickly as possible without looking strange.

- Amy (entering the "low" region of Battery City): Okay, gotta go fast in here.

- ???: Heya there gurl! Don't ya wanna come work wit us? We got all sorts o-

- Amy: NO! I've told you many times, Chloe, I'm not into Pornodroids! Now let me get to my place.

- Chloe: Alright gurl, but if ya change yer mind, we'll be rig-

- Amy: Yeah I know... I fucking know...

- ???: Any of you droids got 20 carbons? I can get you free batteries if you g-

- Amy: No Richard, I was forced to buy ha-

- Richard: Ahh shit, I know what they make you buy in them stores.

- Amy: Yeah, now if you would excuse me, I'm going to my place. See you all later... I guess.

Amy continues to head down this dark and forgotten alley (only lit up by multiple screens showing ads for local stores or regular old Happinax) as other vagabonds or pornodroids approach her, but she tries not to mind them too much. Now, Amy is an average height girl, she's got long blonde hair, her nose sort of ends on a little ball, and she usually wears the boring grey pants and jackets BL/ind recommends/forces citizens to use. She reaches her apartment and opens the door, lays down her things on the living room's table and turns on the T.V. to FACT News.

- News presenter: And now for our weekend weather report: In Zones 1 – 3 we'll have a high of 118º with a low of 107º, in Zones 4 – 6 we'll have slight to severe acid rain which will continue throught the week, and as for Battery City we can look forward to a pleasant 72º. Signing off from FACT News, the ONLY news.

(Commercial break)

- Helena speaking to the commercial camera: If you've got to believe in something, believe in us 'cause we'll make it easy. If you've got to belong to something then belong to us and we'll make you PC. If you've got to have faith in something, have faith in us; it can be so easy. Better Living Industries.


- Voice while the BL/ind logo is on screen: Welcome to Better Living Industries, where the aftermath is secondary. Have a better day and keep smiling!

- Amy: Can't they think of a different, smarter way to promote these? Gosh I hate their stupid conformity. But at least I'm finally "Home"...If I can even call it a home.

Battery City is known to be the biggest metropolis in the world. The most important skyscrapers are located in the middle, with the tallest being the main one and Helena Yamauchi's quarters. Next to these in a circle formation are where high employees of BL/ind do their work. And after that, the rest of the population and employees reside. Near the border of the city are neighborhoods that BLI doesn't exactly check very often, some illegal stuff goes down but Helena doesn't really care because whenever she gets pissed off... She "cleans up" that part of the city. Common streets and avenues are especially monitored by a couple draculoids, but nothing too intense, while alleyways and passages between buildings and streets only have broken down robots and discontinued machinery that most people don't need.


Alright, 2 chapters in a weekend to make up for the absence of last week.

This chapter is HEAVILY inspired by the song "Peace & Love, inc." from the band Information Society, I'll link the video to the song because it's hilarious and the song is esentially an ad just like I depicted in this chapter, so please check it out!

As always, thank you for reading; Keep Running!

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