Chapter 9: Lonely

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All the attention of the class goes towards the front of the classroom as Weiss prepares for her battle. She readies herself with her rapier. In front of her, Port and a large cage door.

Yang: "Gooo Weiss!!"

Blake: "Fight Well"

Ruby: "Yea, represent teeaaam RWBY!!"

Her team was cheering her on but Weiss was clearly annoyed.

Weiss: "Ruby, I'm trying to focus"

Ruby: "Oh, umm sorry" she said in a low voice.

I can sympathize with her in that regard. I too would be annoyed if I was trying to concentrate and someone wouldn't shut up.

Gray: "Isn't that a bit mean? all she was trying to do was cheer her on"

Y/n: "As mean as you think she was, I would of done the same thing, she needs to focus on the enemy ahead and Ruby is distracting her from it"

Akame: "She could of said it nicer"

I agree with what she said as well but I can't help but think it was the heat of the moment.

Port: "Alright, let the match begin"

Port uses his axe to cut the door open revealing a wild hog type of Grimm.

Y/n: "Oh my God, can I eat that!!"

I stand up from my seat, slamming my hands on the table as a bit of drool comes out from my mouth.

Yang: "Are you okay?!"

Weiss: "Shut up!! Let me concentrate"

I couldn't help but be pissed as I never got my answer and sit down.

Gray: "Here let me help you"

I turn to see Gray pull a napkin from her bag. She leans towards me as we are inches away from each other as she wipes my the bottom of my lip. For a moment, I felt at ease as I look into her eyes. No violence, no nothing, just paradise. Is this what happens when a kind, gentle girl does something for someone who's always been cold and distant. Is this what falling in love mea-... WHAT THE HELL AM I TALKING ABOUT!!!

Once Gray finishes cleaning my drool, she realizes what she was doing and instantly drops back into her seat, blushing madly.

Gray: "I'm sorry!!"

Y/n: "Its okay"

I'm able to keep my composure as I look back towards the fight.

The Boarbatusk as I over heard someone say, charges towards Weiss. She dodges its attack, attempting to strike it as she jumps out the way.

Port: "Hoho, wasn't expecting that were you"

Ruby: "Hang in there Weiss"

The two charge at each other. Weiss attack seems to connect but results in her sword getting stuck in the tusks of the beast. I begin crafting a sword when I feel a hand on my shoulder coming from behind me. I look up to see Blake signaling me not to attempt jumping in. I do as she says as my sword disintegrates.

Port: "Oooh, new approach? I like it"

Ruby: "Come on Weiss show it who's boss"

She turns to glare at Ruby. In doing so, the Boarbatusk overpowers Weiss, throwing her sword over it.

Y/n: "She's in trouble"

Blake: "She'll be able to handle it"

I fight the urge to jump in as Weiss is shoved down by the Boar.

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