Guzmán | Spoil You

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The dress fit perfectly. Blue was definitely your colour and your boyfriend did an amazing job choosing this dress,  but you guessed his sister had helped him. You twirled in front of the mirror and gazed at your reflection in awe.

 You twirled in front of the mirror and gazed at your reflection in awe

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The package had arrived this morning with clear instructions:

"Dinner at 8 pm. Wear the dress. Besos, G."

So at 7:40 pm you were already all dressed up and ready to go. You imagined that the dinner was some important event, given the dress. Usually you didn't wear that kind of things. Not that you didn't want to, but you just weren't that well off to spend hundreds of euros on dresses. You weren't poor either; your family had enough to get by and send you to Las Encinas after all.

Your mother gushed over you and even your father, who didn't like your boyfrind much, approved. Nonetheless, he said to not let any man buy you with gifts. Every time, you reassured him it was not money that made you fall in love with Guzmán, but his boyish grin and gentleness.

At 8 pm on the dot, your bell rang. Your father went to open the door, while you mother helped you with you last touches and gave you your purse. You made your way to the door and couldn't help smiling. He was talking to your father but he stopped when he noticed you. His mouth was hanging open as he took in your attire. You slowly walked to him and pushed his chin, "Close your mouth, you're drooling." Then you kissed his cheek.

"You look incredible." He took your hand in his and kissed the back of it.

"You do too." He was so handsome in that black tuxedo, "Shall we go?"

"After you my lady."

In front of your house was a black car waiting. Guzmán opened the door for you and sat beside you, informing the driver that he could go. He intertwined your hands and admired you again.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Now, can I kiss you?" He grinned and leaned in and you closed the gap between the two of you. The kiss was tender and slow. The ride was about 20 minutes and filled with chatter about your day and stolen kisses. When you arrived at your destination he helped you to get out of the car and offered his arm, which you gladly accepted. In front of you stood the imposing Gran Melìa hotel. Your breath caught for a moment and you hesitated. You knew it was one of the most luxurious hotels in the whole of Spain. You couldn't even imagine how much money he had spent.

"What's wrong?" he asked, "Don't you like it?"

"No, no, it's not that. It's just... You didn't have to. This is more than I could have ever imagined."

You averted your eyes and he lifted your chin, "Nothing is enough to show you how much you mean to me," he stroked your cheek, "Let's go have dinner, and if you don't feel comfortable we can leave whenever you want."

You smiled and nodded, then let him guide you inside. You marvelled at the beauty of the place as a waiter took you to your table. A vase with a single rose stood slightly to the left of the table, the room had low luminosity but the most beautiful part was the view of the illuminated Madrid from the 7th floor of the hotel on which the restaurant was located. You took your seat and a waiter came over with a bottle of champagne, the first of many others during the dinner.

After a nice conversation over an exquisite meal, Guzmán took you to the terrace, where you both admired the lights of Madrid under the dark sky. You were leaning on the railing and he was holding you from behind.

"Thank you for tonight," you said looking back at him, "I felt like a princess."

"But the night is not over yet, my queen." He kissed your shoulder, then you turned in his embrace and pecked him. He kissed you more deeply and you gladly responded. "Is it okay if we take this somewhere else?"

You nodded and followed him around the hotel. He stopped in front of a door and pulled out a key card. You wanted to comment but he smashed his lips onto yours and pulled you inside the room. He broke the kiss, biting gently your lower lip, "There's something on the bed. For you."

"Guzmán, really, you didn't have to do all this. I appreciate it, but you know I am perfectly happy with just you. That's all I want. I want you because I love you."

He took a blue box, the unmistakingly blue box from Tiffany and Co., from the bed and handed it to you, "And I love you. That is why tonight I wanted to spoil you. You did so much for me; you always endure my mood swings, help me whenever I need anything and stand by me no matter what. You deserve all this and more. And I'm not trying to buy your love, as your father would say."

You let out a lough at his remark, but there was a pause as you stared a bit at the delicate box, before reaching out and opening it. You admired the beautiful necklace and whisper thanked your boyfriend. It was a pendant in silver with a pear shaped diamond. It was simple, just the way you liked it, and it was the most dazzling thing you have ever seen. And just because it was from him, it was now the most precious thing for you other than the boy himself.

Guzmán helped you to put in on, then tugged on the zipper of your dress, "Even though you are gorgeous in this dress, you're even more stunning wearing nothing."

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