I Understand That The Truth Hurts Bad

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Everything stops for her. Her breathing is gone, snatched away. Her tears are gone, snatched away. Her heart, that's gone too, everything was snatched away by Nick's five words. They echo in her mind.

'I got tired of you I got tired of you I got tired of you.'

No. He just said he love her, just said he'd never let her go, he's still holding her in his arms.

But his stare is so cold, so emotionless. The room is silent.

Her breathing comes back to her as his words hit her one again. They hit differently this time.

"Nigga what?"

"You heard me."

"Well clearly I'm confused." Naomi backs away from his grasp and stands up quickly. He does the same, taking a step closer to her with an expression she can no longer read. She backs away."What do you mean you got tired of me?"

"It means I'm tired of you. Tired of this, tired of us."

"Oh really?"


"So if I walk out now, you'll be relieved, cuz this is what you've been waiting on right?"


"Okay." Naomi takes a deep breath as she walks back into their bedroom, slamming the door behind her and locking it.

Wait. No. Shit. She's been in there too long. I should have been checked on her but I'm a dumbass, too fucking stubborn for my own good. I hope she's calming down, so she can talk to me and we can work this out cuz what I said was bullshit...most of it at least. She's not leaving. I know she's not. She wouldn't, she just told me she couldn't. 

But I just told her I loved her and then told her I was tired of us. God I'm a mess.

I'm pounding on the door now, she locked it. 

I throw all my weight against the door. It falls with a thud and I hear her let out a scream. I look at her face, she's scared of me, fear is all over her face, but then she cocks her head to the side and her expression changes. I can't read it anymore. She turns away from me and walks to the corner of our room. 

Suitcases. She's packed her bags.


My heart drops to the bottom of my stomach. 

Fuck no.

"Naomi." I whisper as she wheels her suitcase past me. She doesn't respond.

"Naomi. Baby No. Ma' don't leave no I-"

"Shut up Nick. No really, shut the fuck up. I don't wanna hear it. What? Are you gonna tell me you love me again just so you tell me you hate me the next second? I just-" Her voice  cracks and she looks away from me. "I think we're on the same page now Nick, 'cuz you know what? I'm tired of you too. I'm tired f being head over heels in love with you just so you can look me in the eye and hurt me. I'm tired of being this vulnerable for you when you're not the same person who gained my trust years ago. I'm tired of letting you hurt me just because I'm in love with you. I'm done, Nick."


I already told her I wasn't letting her her go and I fucking meant it. She's the love of my life and I know I fucked up but I'll be damned if I let her walk out on me, on us.

"No Ma'."

"Yes, Nick" She walks towards the front door with as many bags as she can carry. I grab her suitcase. She tries to take it away from me but I tug it back. A glint of fear crosses her face as she looks at me but she let's go of the back and continues to walk. I run after her as she opens the front door. She walks quickly through the front door without looking back.

I'M SERIOUS X NICK MARAWhere stories live. Discover now