At the Ending is Another Beginning

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Kokichi's POV

I remember it so vividly. I felt every bone in my body get crushed, and all my organs get flattened like pancakes. Not to mention the fact that I was poisoned and weak. It hurt so bad, not only physical, though. As my life flashed before my eyes I couldn't help but tear up, everything I remembered were just me, alone. The only thing I remember of D.I.C.E being my motive video. The whole group all rivaling against me. The only people who seemed to like me in the slightest were Gonta and Shuichi.

Then I woke up.

And then I remembered EVERYTHING.

I take of the headset, all the memories flowing back to me. I look around at all my... Classmates...

Ryoma the pet loving loner. Rantaro, Angie, and Kaede all had their little music/art group. Miu the kinda bully ( "kinda" ). Korekiyo and Gonta-- well, I sometimes talked to them in the halls but I knew nothing about them. Kirumi was the class helper in every period she had. Tenko, who regularly accused guys of sexual assault in the hallways and beat them up, even if they were only passing by. They are all talking happily. Well, Tenko was only talking to the girls.

I look at the others who have their headsets on still: Himiko, the one who always tried interrupting classes with little tricks she called real "magic". Maki and Kaito, the "double delinquents" I call them, major bullies. Kiibo, my only friend/acquaintance. Tsumugi always liked to ask me about anime and cosplay, even though I knew very little about it. Shuichi-... Wasn't he that weird guy? Whatever, I need to grasp ahold of reality. I put my head in my hands and look at the ground. I thought everyone died and I mourned them, yet they are all around me, perfectly fine. I feel my eyes water up just thinking about it. They're all okay, we are all okay, it was just a simulation.

I hear Kirumi speak, she must've noticed me, "Hello Kokichi, are you feeling alright?" I feel multiple eyes on me and my body initiates panic mode.
I look up at her wide-eyed, feeling my tears stream down my face. I smile at her, "y-you're all okay..."
She laughs a little bit and smiles at me, "yes, we are all alright."
I subconsciously jump up and hug her, sobbing into her chest. She seemed startled at first, but hugged back.
"Kirumi! Is this degenerate male assaulting you?!" I sob harder just hearing Tenko's voice, I thought she was extremely annoying with all her akido and degenerate male stuff but I ended up even missing her.
Kirumi pats my back, "no Tenko, he's fine."
I slightly calm down, yet I'm still crying. I pull away, wiping my tears, "I-I-I'm sorry..." I run out of the room, not knowing where I'm going. It looks like a hotel environment so I just look for a bathroom. I enter one and hide in a stall in an attempt to calm down, I hear someone enter and stay silent.
I sit in silence for a minute or so until I hear Rantaro, "Hey, Ouma? Kirumi said you ran out crying and sent me to find you."
I stand up shakily and push open the stall door, probably looking like a mess, "woah, I've never seen you look so fragile.."
What he says raises a red flag in my head and I step back, "a-a-are you gonna d-do something to me?!"

He smiles at me, "it's avocado law that I give grapes emotional support."
I can't help but laugh at the nicknames and hug him, "t-thank you, I'm sorry I was such a-a-a jerk..."
He pats my head, "jerks don't have soft hair, that's a fact"
I pull away, "but I'm the reason Miu and Gonta were killed..."
Rantaro thinks for a moment, "watching how Miu acted in the show, she would've put the blame on Kaito involving that poison on your chair or something and ended up killing everyone but herself. Narcissism 100"
"S-show?! Oh, yeah. D-danganronpa." Wow, me. Ya just embarrassed yourself.
Rantaro just laughs it off and goes back to talking, "so, why did you choose to join Danganronpa?"

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