The Building

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I get up and walk out the door, moving to the spot I was in before Kiibo pulled me into that room. I look over and see him somehow nicely arguing with Maki about how she should be nicer to me and 'I've changed,' which I doubt. People don't just change, take Maki herself as an example. I look over as I put my hands behind my head to see that guy who was Monokuma get in front of the group of students, "ehem," he holds the megaphone to his mouth, "attention all participants of Danganronpa! The bus has arrived and we are all about to board! Please get on one at a time, I can't have anyone getting hurt!"
I raise my hand, "hey! hey mono-guy!"
He looks at me, "yesss?"
"Is there anything you haven't told us? Y'know, like you did multiple times in the killing game?" I tilt my head, putting my hands behind my back and leaning forward.
"Puhuhu! Okay, you caught me! I wouldn't expect any less from a supreme leader!" He raises his finger, "anyway, the monokubs and Monokuma, or should I say me, will be there. Don't worry though! They're just there to ensure safety and answer questions! So they won't show up unless necessary!"
I hear some of my classmates groan, "coool!" I grin and look at everyone, some students glaring at me, most looking at mono-guy.
He looks out the window and the looks back at everyone, "okay! Bus is here!"
Everybody starts moving out the door except Ryoma, who's staring at the ground. I walk over to him and pick him up, "you're not staying behind! You've still got a ways to go!"
I hear him chuckle as I move to the back and put Ryoma on a seat, sitting on the opposite side. Mono-guy stands in the middle of the bus, "everyone boarded, right?"
I raise my hand, "I didn't!" He simply glances at me, not responding. He moves to the front and gets in the driver's seat. This doesn't seem safe--
The bus is filled with chatter between the students. I'm able to make out some sentences at moments, but not much.

I stare outside, watching the area move by as we make our way to our new 'home.' I wonder what it will be like? Wait...
Am I stupid? It's gonna be like it was in the killing game! Just some alterations! I close my eyes, going into the safe space in my head like I normally do when alone. Before I knew it we we're already there. My only question was why there was a sketchy looking gas station literally right across the street, but then there we're just normal houses and apartments for like-- a mile. I just ignored it as we all got off the bus. I look at the others, looking at the building.

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