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Kokichi's POV

I watch as Kaito takes out the cards and sits by me as I sit up, "okay, so we both get a red heart card, and one of us gets a joker. Whoever only has the heart card guesses which card is which and takes one. If it's the heart card, they win, but if it's the joker card, the other person tries." That's too easy! His ego must be blasting through the roof right now.
I take a heart card, "oookay? And what does the loser have to do?"
"Do whatever the winner says for a week!" Kaito grins at me as I mentally roll my eyes, "okay! So I go first?" I reach for a card after he nods and shuffles them, purposefully trying to get the joker. I should let him win something, he never wins any bets. Kaito grins to himself and ends up taking the joker. This goes on for awhile, "wowie, you're really bad at this!"
"Hey! You're not getting the heart card either!" He huffs and takes a card, he looks at it and beams.
I hand him the joker card and get up, stretching, "you're happy face is really ugly, Kai-toe"
He gets up as well, "did you just-- whatever, the week of listening to my commands starts tommorow!"
I cringe as Kiibo chirps in, "did you really have to phrase it like that?"
Kaito chuckles to himself, putting the cards in his pocket, "heheheh... Command blocks." He then walks away.
Me and Kiibo look at each other with confused expressions. I sigh and lay on the bed, "I don't care who's this is, I'm sleeping in it." I yawn and quickly drift off to sleep.

I awake with no nightmares, thankfully. But I feel something wrapped around my tors-- fuck.
Miu had her arms wrapped around me and under my shirt, thankfully I know she didn't do anything bad. Other than Miu behind me, Kiibo was the only other person on the bed. Not that it surprises me, though. It looked like a charger was connected to some part of his body but I wasn't sure where. His breathing was soft, which surprised me as robots don't usually need to breathe. I had warmth all around me, I almost felt like I was gonna fall asleep again until...
"nyeh!... Cockadoodledoo!..."
Kiibo sits up, taking the charger out of his back. So that's where it was plugged in. Miu groans and shifts a little, clearly not wanting to get up. I didn't either and just acted like I was still asleep until Tenko yelled, "MIU! THERE'S A DEGENERATE MALE IN YOUR BED!"
I then feel something grab my leg and harshly pull me out of the bed. I hit head my head on the floor and groan, "what the hell did I do wrong?..." I rub my head and sit up, eyes getting misty.
Miu stretches, "you existed..."
Kiibo walks over and kneels by me, "wait a moment, please." He starts making a whirring sound and I see his forearm form a sheet of frost. He grabs a pillow case and wraps his arm with it before putting it on the back of my head where I got hurt.
Tenko points at Kiibo defensively, "Kiibo! Why are you helping the degenerate male!?"
Kiibo sighs, his now cold breath making me shiver, "nobody deserves to get hurt."
Tenko crosses her arms and looks away. Himiko raises her arms in the air, "everyone! We're leaving for the ultimate academy soon!"
Miu stands up, "well, I'm gonna go change. Peek on me all you like!" She cackles and then walks into the bathroom.
"Well, I should probably get to Kaito now." I get up as Kiibo returns back to normal, "byeee!" I walk out the door and put on the well-known fake smile of mine as I look for the group, which is crowded by the front door. I sigh and stand slightly far from them, not wanting to have a panic attack.
I stare at the wall ahead of me, deep in thought.

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