"Vulgar death Fit For a Vulgar Bitch"

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I feel my eyes get misty and my lip quivers, I hide my face.
2 looks at 6, "hey! Ya made him cry!"
"Nuh-uh!" 6 grins, hugging me. I'm a bit surprised at first, but then I hug her back tightly.
7 wipes a fake tear, "they grow up so fast!"
5 agrees, "yeah, I remember when sugar was just 3 feet!"
9 smirks, turning to 5, "did he get shorter?"
The group laughs as I wipe my tears and look at them all, "I thought I would never see you again, I thought.. I was a failure of a leader..."
1 chuckles then pats my head, "I've never heard of a leader that can make their members feel like family."
I grin. A wide, genuine grin. 8 smiles, "haven't seen you grin that wide in forever"
I pout at him, "I grinned even wider during the killing game!"
6 scoffs but then smiles, "he meant a genuine smile you dummy!"
Oh right, they see through my facade. I cry fake tears, "that's meannn!"
4 picks me up and cradles me, slightly surprising me and making me blush.
5 laughs, "sugar baby! Sweet lil' grape!"
I grin and raise my hands toward the sky, "goo goo ga ga" we all burst out laughing.
I look over and see Rantaro, "quite a group ya got here"

"nishishi~ well hello avocado boy!"
Rantaro smiles, "there's the Kokichi I know! you usually only act like this around your group out of the killing game, right?"
I climb onto 4's shoulders, "nope!"
"..." I puff out my cheeks in thought, "I don't know... Guys, whaddya think?" I earn a few chuckles and I'm satisfied. beaming at Rantaro, I speak, "yes, out of the killing game I'm always a wreck unless I'm around my family"
Rantaro looks at me with a smirk, "your family?"
D.I.C.E cheers in unison, "family!" I beam at Rantaro. He looks back and nods at someone.
Rantaro motions back to the doors, "I think Kaito is up, do you wanna come?"
I ponder for a moment and jump to the ground, "alright!" I turn back to D.I.C.E, "you guys gonna wait in the van or the waiting room?"
They all look at each other then back at me, "we should probably wait inside, I don't wanna freeze to death." 6 mentions, faking a shiver.
I nod and when I leave with Rantaro all my anxiety comes back to me, I hum to myself to try and calm myself down but almost run into the wall. Rantaro smiles, "trust me, you don't wanna experience head injuries." I lightly smile at him before we both enter the room to see Kaito being greeted by his classmates. I sit on the bed I woke up on, used to this kind of treatment. I would always just watch the good times from afar, sometimes imagining myself being included. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, laying on the bed and thinking to myself, partially hoping to sleep. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn to lay on my back to see Miu, "hey! Cock-itchy! What with you acting so energy drained all of a sudden? We're you and Rantaro fucking while you two were gone?!"
My eyes tear up and I hide under the blanket, not wanting to deal with Miu.
Miu nudges me, "hey! Why'd ya manipulate Gonta to kill me?! Your just some fuckin' abortion that has no right to live and even you and your pebble brain know that! So why did you save your own life?! Without me the others would have no chance to renew the world if it wasn't just virtual reality! You basically ended their lives right then and th--"
I spring up, punching her in the gut making her fall over, "WHY DON'T YOU STOP BEING SUCH A NARCISSISTIC WHORE AND REALIZE EVEN INSULTS AS BAD AS YOURS CAN REALLY HURT PEOPLE?!" I freeze noticing everyone's eyes on me. I can feel my heart start to race and I start panicking. They hate me I know it.
"What the hell, Kokichi! They're just words!"
"Atua says you are going to pay for your sins!~"
"It's always degenerate males! How dare you lay a hand on an innocent woman!"
"Kokichi! Why did you hit Miu?!"
"How amusing! I've never seen Kokichi act in such a way!
I start to tremble and fall into my bed, hiding under the covers and trying to sob as quietly as I could. I don't get why it hurts so much, I already knew they hated me, so why does it affect me so badly? I put a fake grin on my face and stop weeping, hoping it would look like the crying was fake. I pull the covers off myself and stand up, "t-that pig got what she deserved, t-trust me, that's no lie." I glare at her when saying those words then leave with no emotion on my face.

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