I'm Finally Updating-

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I died no homo 👁👁))
Y'all pls this ain't Omota))

Kokichi POV

I walk into the gym, seeing Gonta, but not Keebo. I prepare myself, knowing that it should be easy to talk normally near my- well, I guess you could call them friends, but I don't know, "H-Heyyy Gonta, where's Keeboy?"
Gonta notices me and stops looking around, "Hello Kokichi! Keebo said he need to go to bathroom!" There's a moment of silence before he asks, "Does Kokichi want piggyback ride?"
I raise an eyebrow and shrug, not used to this kind of treatment, "sure?-"

Gonta immediately picked me up and put me on his shoulders, which was a huge plus because now I could see Keebo trying to get through the crowd, "I- I think I see Keebo!"
"Really? Is Keebo coming?" Gonta looks up at me.
I nod and hum before looking back at Keebo. I tilt my head, "Hmm? He stopped..." I squint, "He's talking to K-Kaito..."
Gonta's expression changes to a stern look, "Gonta handle it, Kokichi not need to help." He pushes his way through the crowd towards Keebo and Kaito using my guidance.

"Like I said, Kokichi hasn't been in the gym yet, so I have no idea where he is!" Keebo puts his hands up as if he's about to push something.
"Bullshit! His niece, or whatever the hell she is, is already in the care section! He always comes straight here after visiting the office!" Kaito says, getting angrier every word.
Gonta puts his hand between the two to get their attention, "Kaito, why you here? Gonta warned you about arguments already."

Kaito looks up at Gonta and smiles, "Oh! Hey Gonta! You see, me and Kokichi said we would meet in the gym, so I asked Keebo where he was. He said he didn't know, but I didn't believe him, so I got angry. I apologize!" Kaito bows as I make a face of disgust.
Gonta smiles and bows back, but not too low due to the fact that I'm on his shoulders, "Oh! That fine! Kokichi need to get off?"
I start to breath faster and I grab Gonta's hair tightly, hugging his head. Please don't leave me with Kaito...
"Oh! Yes, actually." Kaito says politely, "Kokichi, man, you okay?"
I nod, acting as calm as possible. I know Gonta will sense that something's up, he's just good at that type of stuff.
Gonta pauses before speaking, "Ah! Kokichi! Gonta forgot his bag at side of gym!" He puts me down and walks quickly back to where we were just a few minutes ago as Keebo followed him, apparently not knowing I got left behind.

Well shit, there goes my faith in Gonta's abilities. I try to quickly follow them but he yanks me away by my hand and leads me to the forest behind our school. I pull back when he finally lets me go, knowing I can't run anywhere, "What do you want? ...A-..Are you gonna—"
"Say sorry? Yeah." He rubs the back of his head, looking down.
"Wait w-wha—"
"I mean for letting Tsumugi put that stupid dress on you, I should've stopped her."
It goes silent and we both stare at eachother, but it feels like he's doing more than staring at me, like I'm his prey or something. I look away, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
"Uh— wanna hug it out?" Kaito opens his arms, tilting his head.
I hesitate, looking up at him, "Uhm... sure?"
I step forward, wrapping my arms around him.

It's warm, so warm. His shirt is soft.
I close my eyes.
Warm. I don't wanna let go.
Why are we sitting down? It doesn't matter.
Is he playing with my hair? I feel so comfortable.
I haven't felt like this in years.
Sleep, your tired. Sleepy.
Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep

"Wake up you little octopus cat lookin-"
I'm shaken awake by Kaito. I sit up, rubbing my eyes. Looking up, I see that the sun is almost directly above us now. It must be twelve, "t-twelve?!" I try to push Kaito off of me, "KAITO WE'RE LATE!"
"What? Can you scream louder? I can't hear you." Kaito mocks me for the first time in like, a bajillion years.
I keep trying to push him, "WE'RE LATE WE'RE LATE WE'RE LATE WE'RE LATE WE-"
"Dude, seriously, shut the hell up." Kaito picks me up and puts me on his back, "Jeez, you're even lighter than Maki Roll."
I look back as the school as he walks in the opposite direction, "Why are you walking AWAY from the school? A-Are you that-.. dumb!?"
He doesn't stop walking, "I'm not! We're skipping."

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