Kaito, Kaito, Kaito...

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I see D.I.C.E messing around and head over to them, they're all calling 7 Kaito's twin, which makes me snicker. 8 notices me and waves, "how'd it go?"
I grin, "terrible! They broke every bone in my body and then stole half of my brain!"
8 smiles, "tell me the truthhh"
"C'mon! You know when I do things like that people don't wanna interact with any of my personalities!" I pout and cross my arms, but then I feel like I'm being watched. I smile and close my eyes, "is something wrong, kaito?" I turn to see the look of surprise on his face.
4 turns to me and grins, "wow! kokichi you're getting good at this!"

"Awww, you're making me blush!" I turn towards 4 and pretend to be embarrassed.
3 jumps up and squeezes my face, "you look sweeta when ya blush!"
I pout, latching my arms around 3's torso, "I'm always the sweetest! Right 5?"
5 plays with her hair, "uh, sure"
9 grins, "and I'm always salty!"
1 rolls his eyes, smiling, "more like sour"
9 beams and jumps up, "YES!"
Kaito turns to leave, "freaks..."
I freeze, my eyes dilating. I turned and spoke with annoyance and anger in my voice, "the fuck did you just say space brat? Huh? Say it to my goddamn face bitch!" I grin a smile more twisted than the ones in the killing game, pointing to my face.

Kaito does his best to look brave, yet I could see the fear in his eyes, making me grin wider, "I called you guys freaks! Are you deaf?!"
I turn to D.I.C.E and put on an innocent smile, nod, then turn to Kaito, my expression becoming twisted again. I take off my scarf and walk towards him, he tries to punch me but I dodge just in time. I get behind him and knock him to his knees, wrapping the scarf around his neck and choking him as D.I.C.E stares in horror, except 9, 9 was grinning.
1 defends Kaito, "Kokichi! Rule one! Rule one!"
I look up at 1, my grin disappearing, "but rule two--"
"Please, let him go!" 5 shouts at me.
I frown and harshly tie the scarf around his neck tightly, "you're lucky" he sprints back to the room with the others.
4 picks me up and I don't mind, I'm more worried about having to see Kaito in school. I snuggle up to 4 as he cradles me and fall asleep.

I wake up in a field, everything seemed slightly fuzzy yet peaceful. I see a small hill where all the contestants we're having a good time. I hesitantly approach them, but end up tripping on a v i b e, falling into some sort of void. I hear laughing all around me until it gets so loud I have to cover my ears.

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