Toaster Kiibo Toaster Kiibo

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Kiibo's POV

I enter the party room with Kaede and Kaito. Right as we enter Kaede grins, "hell yeah! Miley Cyrus!" Kaito groans.
I turn and see Kokichi having a great time with the members of D.I.C.E, making me smile. I see other classmates having fun with friends and family, specifically the people shown in their motive videos. My creator was in my motive video, but he ended up disappearing during the killing game. I didn't mind, though. Kaede pulls me over to the snack table D.I.C.E is by with Kaito following from behind, "ahh!"
Kaede shoves some food in her mouth and takes a moment to eat it, "you yell a lot!"
"Eh... Thanks?" I take it as a compliment, looking at Kaito. He looks bored out of his mind, "are you waiting for Maki?"
Kaito looks over at me, "hm? Oh, yeah. She hasn't shown up yet."
"I wouldn't worry, if she got into any trouble she definitely knows how to protect herself."
He nods and looks back at the crowd, "I guess you're right, thanks"
I nod and smile, "mm-hmm!" I stare at to snacks and catch myself wishing I was able to eat, I shake my head, 'no, you should be proud you're a robot.' I think to myself. I turn to D.I.C.E and listen to what they were talking about.

"Heyyy 1?" Kokichi turns his head to look at the red-haired member.
"How's the orphanage and Mrs. Pere doing?" Kokichi tilts his head as if he were a curious puppy.
"Oh! About that! She actually retired and 3 got ownership of the building!" 1 said seeming excited to inform Kokichi about the current state of the orphanage.
Kokichi smiles, "well, that's good to hear!" His smile then turns sheepish, "were you alright when I was gooone?"
"I was hard at first since you did a lot of the work and we weren't very skilled, but we got used to it pretty quickly. It was weird without--"
Kokichi interrupts him, "waitaminute! What do you mean you guys weren't very skilled!? You're part of D.I.C.E for crying out louddd!" He frowns and rests his chin on 4's head.
"Well, I know 5 definitely has no skill!" 9 smirks as 5 sighs.
5 glares at 9, "I know people would usually call Kokichi a rat, but it confuses me.. seeing as compared to you he's a kitten.."
"Hey! No fighting! It's getting annoying!" 7 crosses his arms.
"Yeah! Let's just get along!" 2 adds in.
6 raises a finger, recalling the killing game, "we don't want another monodam and monokid incident!"
8 shrugs, "m-monokid doesn't seem correct... 9 i-is more like s-stingy from LazyTown." He Snickers.
9 looks like he's buffering or something as the group laughs. He looks away, blushing from embarrassment, "hey! No I'm not!"

Kokichi climbs off of 4 and starts to walk towards us, "I'll be right back!" He skips over to me as D.I.C.E continues to conversate, "hey kiiboy~! I have news from that Monokuma guy!"
I blink at him in confusion, "what is it?"
Kokichi clasps his hands together behind his back as if he were some sort of butler, "wellll... You know about that building we were in that was surrounded by that dome thingy?" He then pulls of his normal excited pose, "mono-guy said we get to stay in it!" I was about to refuse, but then I remembered that a killing game wouldn't be taking place. I didn't have any other place to stay either, "oh, by the way..." Oma continued speaking, "there are gonna be some differences of course. Like the dome being replaced with a fence, the pool won't be half empty and instead completely full... Mono-guy even mentioned us having rooms attached to our dorm rooms that we can decorate to our liking!"
"Well, I guess I can't refuse an offer like that. Count me in!" I nod and smile.
"Alrighty then~! Looks like we won't have to buy a new toaster!" He looks at me after writing something on a clipboard he pulled out of nowhere, hoping for a reaction. I was about to argue with him but he suddenly hugged me, "nishishi~! Just kidding!" He then releases me from his grip and excitedly hops over to Kaede, asking her about the potential living space as well. Though after he finished talking to Kaede, he seemed nervous about asking Kaito. Kaito seemed to have agreed and Kokichi ran off, looking for the rest of the classmates he needed to ask.

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