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"Oh God, I feel PTSD real bad right now..."
"Tenko that's not what PTSD is..."
"Atua* not God!"
"Wow! It looks exactly like I remember!"
"They still have the labs, right?"
"I still don't like my lab..."
"Hey, Maki roll! Where'd you go?"
"Ah... Kaito, she's right by you."

I giggle to myself as I hear Kaito scream when he realizes Maki was by him. I sprint into the building past the others, running into Gonta and falling over, "ow!" I rub my head and see Gonta slightly back away as I recall how I treated him, "h-h-hey g-gonta I-I--" I take a deep breath and stand up, hugging him, "Gonta, I'm so, so sorry! I treated you like some toy for me to play with and you didn't deserve it at all!"
He looks at me, pushing me back, "Gonta not fall for Kokichi's lies!"
I feel like I'm about to cry but I hold it in, "Please! Forgive me! I don't even have to me your friend! I just--" I shut my eyes and bow, "I just want forgiveness!"
I stand upright, about to leave. As I turn away I'm pulled into one of his 'crush hugs'.
Gonta puts me on his shoulders just like before, smiling, "Gonta forgive Kokichi!"
I give him a confused look before smiling as well, "you really are forgiving..." I then wrap my arms around his forehead area before laying my chin on the top of his head, "thank you!"
Rantaro walks in, "oh, hey guys. Did ya make up?"
Gonta hums, "yes! Kokichi ask for forgiveness so Gonta forgive him!"
Rantaro smiles at us, "that's good, wanna look around? I bet there are bugs around here now." He points back at the doors, slightly raising his shoulders.
I get nervous almost instantly, yet I hide it. If there's one thing I hate most, it has to be bugs. ( Well I obviously hate pig feet as stated, but I will never state why! >:( ) Gonta agrees and we all go outside to look for bugs, I just sit silent on Gonta's back, burying my face into his soft yet tangled hair.
"Hey! What are you guys doing?" And here comes the screaming robot.
"Gonta, Rantaro, and Kokichi looking for bugs!"
"Can I join?"
And so we continued finding bugs and stuff, but with Kiibo now. Kiibo walks up to me, "Kokichi... There's a cool looking beetle on your back--"

My fight or flight instincts kick in, and I bolt away screaming. I hear Rantaro laughing and telling me to come back, but even if there wasn't a bug I could still get out of bug hunting. I feel something hit my face when I turn a corner and open my eyes, "FUCK! BEES!" I screech and run the others way, bolting past the others.
Kiibo jumps, "Oh my God! Kokichi!"
Rantaro's eyes widen as Gonta's sparkle, "Kokichi made new bug friends!"
I turn the corner, still screaming. I see Tsumugi and Shuichi in the distance. Knowing the bees would probably attack them too from being so close, I yell at them, "YOU TWO! RUN AS FAST AS FUCKING POSSIBLE!" They both look at me and shriek, not hesitating to run. Now we were all being chased by bees and screaming. I dash around a tree and see a spider, shrieking even louder. I hear familiar cackling and look to see Miu with a bug vac, laughing at us. I pick up my speed, hoping my stamina doesn't fail me, "hurry up and help us already!"
"Oh, right!" She turns on the bug vac and sucks up all the bees, proceeding to bring it to Gonta.
Shuichi pants, "oh lord, that was tiring..."
He sits by Tsumugi, who is looking at me wide-eyed, "Kokichi? Are you okay? You're paler than Shiro!"
I gasp, trying to calm down, "w-who wouldn't be pale?! And w-who's th-"
My vision goes black and I feel my body hit the ground.

Not The Person I Seem To Be. (Drv3 Post Game Au)Where stories live. Discover now