A Neice?

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I wake up in a bed. Not my own, of course. How cliche. I feel movement behind me and fall off the bed in a panic. I hold my head, "shit!"
I cover my mouth and look back up at the bed, hearing Kaito groan, "do you always get up this early?"
I sigh in relief. Thank atua, it's not some random stranger.
After Kaito getting angry and punching me for not telling him it was a school day I get my stuff on and head outside to see a crowd of people on the other side of the fence. I hesitantly make my way to the fence, facing the crowd. So many people... What if they're judging me??? Am I being weird?...
I put my hands on my hips, my legs feeling like jelly, "EHEM!" some people quiet down, but not enough. I raise a hand, "EXCUSE ME!! M...MAY I HAVE YOU ATTENTION!?" Finally enough people quiet down. I look at my classmates, then the group. I see a little girl being pushed around, trying to get my attention, and pick her up, getting her away from the crowd so she won't be injured. I carefully set her down and look back at the crowd, "I ADVISE YOU LEAVE BEFORE WE HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE! WE ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN YOU PEOPLE AND WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE WHEN WANTED! NOW SHOO YOU TWINKS!" I motion for the group to leave, yet 6 people stay. They're all in cosplay, Kiibo, Shuichi, Angie, Miu, Kaede, Tsumugi, And me. I tilt my head and furrow my eyebrows, "what are you guys still doing here? And what's with the cosplays?"
The Tsumugi speaks up as I notice phones in all except Kaede and Kiibo's hands, "taking pictures!"

"Hell no!" I turn towards the group, picking up the girl who looked like a little pastel me but with long hair, "G-Guys! Go to the other side! T-The trees will give us privacy!"
Some of them nod as they walk around the building. I look back at the cosplayers who are still taking pictures, "Well I-..I hope it won't always be like this..." I run to the back and set the little girl down.
I kneel down, examining the little girl, "w-what did you need my attention for?"
She shyly plays with her hair, "my mommy says you're my uncle..." She looks away, avoiding eye contact as the others mutter to themselves.
Now I'm sitting on the ground, glad the bus takes awhile to get here, "do you know your last name?"
"I'm K... Keomi Oma!" She smiles up at me, looking pure as ever.
My eyes widen, I was so confused, "t-that's my last name..."
She runs up and hugs me, "Uncle!"
I hug her back, not sure what emotion I was feeling. Do I really have a neice? Does that mean my sister is still alive?
The bus drives up to it's stop and everyone starts walking over, "You... You know how to get home, right?" I sigh as she shakes her head, "Well... Here... h-hold my hand, you should be able to come to school with me! ...A-And I know you will behave!" I smile at her, holding out my hand. She returns the smile and takes me hand before we both walk to the bus. There's only a few students other than us, possibly due to not wanting a commotion. Once we get to school I stand up, waiting to be last off of the bus.

I feel a tugging on my sleeve and look down to see Keomi, "can I have a piggy back ride?"
Miu cackles right by us, scaring the little girl, "HAHAHAHA! he's about as tall as his dick is long! You'll probably feel shorter than you were before!"
"Woah... M-my dick is 5'1"?" I say as I put Keomi on my back.
Miu blushes, staring at me wide-eyed, "IWANTITINSIDEME"
I smile at her, raising and eyebrow, "y-you're... Really w... Weird.."
She points fingers guns at me, ignoring the fact she basically told me to fuck her for the 999th time, "Chu bet!"
I finally get off the bus, waving to the bus driver and looking at the school, my smile instantly disappearing. I start to walk forward, managing to choke out a few words to Keomi, "let's... Let's check t-the... office..." I hear some people snicker as I make my way to the office, muttering to myself about how I should've kept track of where Miu went. Once I get there I talk to one of the ladies at the desk, "...h-h-hi!"
She turns to look at me, "ah! Kokichi! Great to see you back! I missed your soft and quiet voice!" I smile at her, I felt blessed to have Mrs. Akane at the school. I point at Keomi, who has now fallen asleep on my back, "you have a daughter now?!"
I can feel my face heat up as I lightly shake my head, "n-..no! T-this is-- m-m-my n-niece!"
She giggles, getting out some papers and writing on them, "I'm just messing with you! Some of the assistants are free today and would be glad to help!"
I slightly nudge Keomi, "h-h-hey!.. The n-nice women are g-g-gonna take c.. care of you now!" I feel a soft nod on the back of my neck and reposition myself to hold Keomi in my arms, bringing her to the nursery that was connected to the school for some odd reason. Probably teen pregnancy.
I thank Mrs. Akane, hugging Keomi and leaving to meet up with Keebo and Gonta in the gym.

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