A Metal Helping Hand

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Kiibo's POV

I move over to Kaito, "hey, Kaito? Do you have any idea why Kokichi seemed so nervous when he spoke to you?"
He rubs his neck, looking in the direction of the shorter male, "it could be from how harshly I treated him during the killing game..."
"Possibly..." I turn to see him asking Maki and just getting pushed out of the way, stumbling to the floor. He got up and dusted himself off, hugging the clipboard and frowning sadly at Maki before walking off.
Kaede looked pretty surprised as well as Kaito and I, "woah, that looked like genuine sadness. Much unlike Kokichi." She picks up another cookie and eats it before muttering about how good they are.
Maki walks up to Kaito, "Hey Kaito."
Kaito seems to try and forget about Kokichi, "h-hey Maki roll! You look great!"
I give Kaito a confused look, as she's just wearing the outfit from the killing game. Before I could speak, Maki somehow read my mind, "I wore this outfit during the entire killing game..."
Kaito sweats nervously, trying to act cool, "w-well I was saying you always look g-great!"
"Do you want to die?" She blushes but glares at Kaito, making him flinch.
I tap Maki's shoulder hesitantly, "h-hey Maki? I was wondering if you wish to stay at the building used for the killing game. It won't be exactly the same, improved actually. We thankfully won't have that dome over the structure as well."
Kaito points at himself and smiles, "and I'll be there too!"
Maki thinks for a moment then sighs, "I guess so..."
I nod and turn away, trying to find Oma. I spot him near Rantaro asking him the same question. Yet his smile seemed fake now. I head over, "Kokichi!"
He turns to look at me, "yeah?..."
"M-Maki said she would like to stay..." I fiddle with my fingers, not knowing why I'm nervous. Something about his 'aura' just seems odd.
Kokichi beams and writes on the clipboard, hugging me right after, "thank you Kiiboy!"
He then looks back at Rantaro, "you said yeah, riiight?" Rantaro nods and hums in response, making Kokichi do the same and write on the clipboard. He then turns to me, "heyyy Kiiboy? Do you wanna help me with the last three classmates?"
I look around and then back at Kokichi, "alright, who are they?"
He looks down at his clipboard, "Shuichi... Tsumugi... Annnddd... Ah, Miu!" He grins up at me, even though there isn't much of a height difference.
"Well? Let's go!" I nod my head in the direction of the doorway and we make our way out into the hallway, "they should be in the reception area near the front doors... Ah, there they are! I point towards them and Kokichi grabs my arm, running and dragging me along. "h-hey!"
"Guuuuyyyssss!!!" He stops and continues to ask them about the building. I couldn't help but notice something off about Shuichi, Kokichi could tell too, proven by his body language.
As Kokichi was specifically talking to Tsumugi I take the opportunity to question Shuichi, "Shuichi? Are you doing ok? You look sick." He did, really.
His face was red and he was sweating badly, I noticed the drool right before he wiped it away, "I-I'm fine, really."
This must have something to do with that crush incident earlier...

Kokichi looks down at the clipboard, writing something and smiling, "okie dokie!" He then turns a starts running away, "mono-guyyy! Where are youuu?!"
I run after Kokichi, just about tripping, "h-hey! Wait!"
"Mono-- there you are!" He stops and hands the man a clipboard as I run into the wall, stumbling to the floor. Kokichi quickly turns around with a worried expression and kneels by me, "a-are you alright?!"
Before I could say I'm fine he quickly apologizes, seeming to tear up, "I'm s-so sorry! I-I didn't mean t-t-to!"
I pull him into a hug, "calm down, I'm perfectly fine."
I feel him relax and hug me back, "o-okay..."
I release him and I sit with my back to the wall, "so... What should we do now? Do you want to go back to the party?"
"Not really..." he looks away, giving me a nervous laugh.
"Do you want to go back to my hotel room?"
"OwO?" He looks at me with a face of curiosity.
"Oo-..woo?... Well, anyway. Do you want to go or no?" I stand up, helping him up as well.
He thinks for a moment, taking out his phone, "sure, hold on." He texts someone back and forth, "hm..." He puts his phone away, "looks like I'll be sleeping alone tonight..."
I give him a confused look before we start walking, "what are you talking about? I thought you had D.I.C.E?"
"They're going to go back to the orphanage." He smiles.
"Oh, okay." I stay silent, not needing to know much about the orphanage from hearing that conversation earlier.

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