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"Kokichi! Wake up!"
I flinch awake in a cold sweat seeing D.I.C.E surrounding me. It stays silent as they all look at me, I take a deep breath and grin, "hi."
6 frowns, "Kokichi and his nightmares..."
9 looks at 6, "but he fell asleep during the day, so does it really count?"
6 facepalms, "dayterrors-"
9 grins and stays quiet. 2 speaks up after a moment, "hey, Kokichi?"
I snuggle up closer to 4, "yes?"
2 seemed to be hit with a sudden wave of anxiety so 1 spoke for him, "he wants to know if we could all go to a party Kaede is holding once everyone comes back to the real world."
I bury my face in 4's chest, trying to take in all the warmth I can, "of course you can, though the group me not entirely want me there..."
3 pats my head, "who wouldn't want you at their party?"
I giggle, "literally everyone" D.I.C.E looks at me, "-except you guys" I pull my head back to look at them and they smile.
9 chirps in, "oh, by the way! I rented a room without any of you guys knowing!"
1 looks at 9 weirdly, "that's actually kinda nice..."

"dammit you're right--" the group laughs and we all move to the room that we could all supringly fit in, yet some others had to sleep on the floor. 3 members including me we're able to fit on the bed I slept in, causing the group to make fun of me for being small.
3 hugs me from behind, "well, him being small is cute!"
I grin, "see? I'm cuuute!" 9 rolls his eyes and lays by me and 3, me being in the middle. We sit in silence for a moment, me staring at 9 who I guess is staring back, "why are you sleeping with your mask on?"
"This is my face!"
I giggle and take the mask off of 9, reaching over him to set it on the nightstand. He takes this opportunity to tickle me, "h-hey! Nishishi!~ stop it!" I giggle and tense up, causing 3 to start tickling me too. I burst out laughing and roll around. And thus started a tickle fight, except everybody went against me. I laughed so much tears streamed down my cheeks, the other members were laughing too. Once they finally stopped I wiped my tears, "Jesus ChrisT-"
9 grins at me, "how are you so ticklish?!"
"I can't help iiit!" I pout then lay face up in my spot, closing my eyes.
I hear 9 snicker then to the rest of the group, "watch this" He lifts up my shirt and lightly runs his hand up my torso, "you can't help it?~"
"H-hah~" I blush and he pulls his hand away, laughing. I pull my shirt down as the group laughs, "d-don't do thaaat!"
9 grins at me, slightly waving his hands, "okay, okay. Fine" I curl up and soon enough the entire group is laying down. I cuddle up to 3 and fall asleep.

I jump awake sobbing, having had another nightmare. 3 hugs me and strokes my hair, "it's okay sugar, it was just a nightmare." I cover my face and calm down. I wipe my tears and look at 3.
"No need to apologise hun! What was the nightmare about?" She asks, still stroking my hair.
I hug her, "you guys were all dead when I woke up, blood everywhere... I-I ended up running from shuichi, who turned out to be t-the killer. I somehow ended up back in danganronpa and was k-killed, then I woke up..."
3 hugs me tight and then lets go, "it's alright sugar!" She then moves over to 1, who is sleeping on the other bed, and they start talking after she wakes him up, "Kokichi had another nightmare"
"Really? How long has he been having nightmares again?"
"Ever since he joined D.I.C.E..."
I get up and move to the bathroom as they continue their conversation. I take a shower and stuff, putting on a grey hoodie and jeans. 6 looks at me, "I think the final trial is about to end!" I nod and turn to leave. 6 stops me, "wait!" I turn back to face her and she ties her scarf around my neck, "since you left yours with Kaito!"
I smile, "thanks 6! I'll be on my way now!"
"Me and 3 will hunt you down if you take too long!" I giggle and leave the hotel room, making my way to the VR room. I would have declined but I have nothing better to do anyway.
I met Rantaro along the way and I look at him, "a-anybody else awake?"
Rantaro look at me then looks ahead of us, "nah, they all stayed up pretty late together so they slept in" I nod, keeping quiet until we get to the room. I sit on my bed, facing away from the others still wearing the headsets, "so, why were you such a liar in the show?" I looked confused at first but then remembered that only D.I.C.E were able to watch me specifically, being in my motive videos.
I look away, "and why should I tell you?"
Rantaro smirks, closing his eyes, "because I'm that one cool older brother everyone wishes they had." He opens his eyes to look at me, "and I think you're a pretty cool guy."

I look at him dead in the eye, "stop lying, I hate liars." Rantaro stays silent, and looks at me, "before you ask, yes that does mean I hate myself.
Rantaro hums to himself, "well, how would you feel if I said I wasn't lying?"
"I wouldn't believe you!"
He sighs then smiles, "I guess that isn't an option then"
He hugs me, making me let out a squeak, "w-what are you doing?!"
"It's called a huuug" he smiles, releasing me from his grip, "friends do it to show support and affection!"
I look away then back at him, "y-you're acting like I have n-never had any friends!" I then hear yelling, "oh, k-kiibo's awake"
Kiibo looks around and the freezes, making a whirring sound.
Rantaro looks at him then me, "what's he doing?"
"Pr-Processing information"
Rantaro hums and nods, watching Kiibo until he stops making the whirring sound.
He walks over and sits by Rantaro, causing me to look away from the two, "Kokichi, Rantaro, was it really all just a simulation?"
Rantaro smirks, "how else would you still be alive after that sacrifice?"
Kiibo stays silent then looks away nervously,  "I don't know..."
Rantaro chuckles then place his chin on his hand, "so, what do you remember from before the game?"
Kiibo looks at me, "well, I don't remember much about the others, but Kokichi was one of my friends and we hung out often, he was always the fragile type and I met him after a bullying incident in the hallway." Rantaro's eyes widen for a second, looking at me. He nods and his expression returns to normal. Kiibo continues, "I also remember Kaito, Maki, and Miu being part of the bullies. Hmm, oh! Right, Shuichi was always the weird one obsessed with Kokichi and Danganronpa." I was surprised because he knew more than the others, but the second part caught me off guard. I look at them both, Rantaro seems to look at me then at Kiibo, "it wasn't in a crush type of way, it was more of a stalker type of obsessed."
I turn to look at Shuichi, who was still wearing the headset. My heart beat increased once I see him move and take off the headset. I jump onto Kiibo and then hide behind him, hugging him from behind. Rantaro pats my head, "Kokichi, what's wrong?"
Kiibo looks at Shuichi then at Rantaro, "It's kinda obvious."

Not The Person I Seem To Be. (Drv3 Post Game Au)Where stories live. Discover now