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Would everyone, in fact, find the good in me? Or... Will they never try to look past the facade I pretend is the true me due to my personal issues? I want to cry out and tell them how I truly feel right now, but if I do that they will truly look down to me more than they already do. I wish I was like Korekiyo, I don't understand how he can find beauty in humanity when we are the cause of all bad in the world. Despair is caused everyday, little does this group know. We are all going to die and someday be forgotten unless we either do the impossible or we increase that despair to reach some of it's highest levels, wanting so desperately to make a change on the deteriorating Earth we call home. I don't want to-- no, I can't be forgotten. I will go down in history as the ultimate supreme leader who caused such great despair, Junko is barely able to compare to--... No, I'm being stupid and childish again. There's no way in hell I would be capable of doing that.

"KOKICHI!!!" I snap back into reality as Kiibo waves his metallic hand in front of my eyes.
I feel tears threatening to pour out any moment, yet I still put my hands behind my head and give Kiibo a smile, "hey Kiiboy! What's up"
Startled, Kiibo pulls his hand back, "I-I could ask the same for you! You looked really upset..."
I give him a stare as blank as a piece of printer paper, "so you found out, huh?"
Kiibo looks at me like a kidnapped child just waking up in a dark basement, "w-what?"
I put on my normal, innocent smile again, "nishishi!~ just kidding!"
Kiibo's expression doesn't change, yet his body seems to relax slightly, "you're lying, Kokichi. Even a robot like me can tell."
I was slightly surprised, he always made a big deal whenever someone pointed out him being different due to him being a robot. I tilt my head and lean closer to him, "huhhh? That was robophobic y'know! I can take you to court for that!" Kiibo's eyes dart around before he grabs my arm and pulls me into a storage room, shutting the door.

I look at him wide-eyed and grin, raising an eyebrow as I hope he doesn't see my nervousness, "woah, you could've at least taken me to the movies first or something~"
I see him blush before his expression changes to frustration, "tell me what's wrong! I try my best to help, I swear!" I stand silently, blank expression, blank stare, blank everything. His voice seems to shake and he gets warmer, "K-Kokichi! I- please tell me! I want to help you! I just want to make sure you're okay--"
"Everything." I turn and walk over to a stable enough box and sit on it, "everything, Kiibo."
"H-huh?" He seems to slowly revert back to normal, "please, explain if you are comfortable with it. I really want you to be happy."
I sigh, knowing I have to lie to get him to leave me alone, "it's Maki, she scares me and I don't feel comfortable around her."
Kiibo nods, not knowing it wasn't the truth, "mhm! I'll do my best to help!" He speaks with determination before hugging me and heading out the door to go talk to Maki. I sigh and kick my legs, still sitting on the box. I wish I never lied, I wish people trusted me. But this is who I am now and I have to accept it...
I shake my head and look around the cold room filled with boxes and supplies, "no, no. If I don't think positive it will be harder to act positive." I whisper to myself, trying to make myself feel better, "everyone will like me someday, I hope..." I sigh, frustrated. I need to stop acting like a 14 year old girl and get myself together, all this depressing stuff can't be good for me.

Not The Person I Seem To Be. (Drv3 Post Game Au)Where stories live. Discover now