For Her OTP

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I wake up on the floor with a blanket and pillow. Sitting up, I look around the room and see space themed decor. This must be Kaito's dorm room, ew. I stand up and notice my clothes changed from my uniform to a maid outfit, I kinda just glare at is and sigh, "that's gay..." I mutter to myself and giggle. Heading out of the dorm room to find Kaito, I fix my head piece, "now if I were an idiot, where would I be? The casino?" I nod and start walking in the direction of the casino, I wonder if monocoins still exist here? Hearing an argument, I peek around the corner, seeing Shuichi and Tsumugi.
"I don't care! You're acting weird and thanks to you, I bet Kokichi doesn't even think I'm near trustworthy!"
"What are you talking about? I was just making my otp true!"
"What does that mean?! You literally controlled me!"
"Well that's how you were before the killing game!"
Shuichi seemed to stop arguing and widen his eyes at Tsumugi's statement, looking like he just walked in on a murder scene. He shook his head, "no, I'm different than that! I would never hurt anyone, especially if I had feelings for them!"
Tsumugi squeals, "don't yell so loud, you'll attract attention to yourself! I don't think anyone would notice me, though. I'm way too plain..."

I shake my head, walking over to the two. I look around as if trying to find something, then I look at Shuichi, "hey Saihara~chan? Have you seen Tsumugi?"
He raises an eyebrow, looking at my outfit, "I have many questions..."
Tsumugi whisper-yells at Shuichi while pointing at him, "I told you!"
I turn to her, grimacing, "you told him what? That you would control him just for your ship?" I lean closer to her, hands behind my back, "do you think forced relationships are *hot*?" I back away, hands now behind my head, "you know, a forced relationship sounds fun!" I turn to Shuichi, holding my arm out, "Saihara~chan! Kidnap me and— well, you know, killer stuff."
Shuichi steps away from me, noticably uncomfortable. He shakes his head, "n-no! Why would I--"
I look at Tsumugi, "see, beloved Saihara~chan would never hurt me! Anyone, infact!" I smile as they both stay silent, "well! I gotta go find K-Kaito!" I sprint away and curse at myself for stuttering.

Now I'm at the casino, just gotta listen for his cries when he loses and this should be easy. I hesitantly walk around the casino and see him competing against Ryoma and, of course, losing. I step just a little closer and watch them play. After Kaito loses he kinda just sulks there as Ryoma walks away. I tap him on his shoulder and he jumps up, turning to look at me, "Oh, you're awake!"
I roll my eyes, "it's not like I was gonna be in a deep sleep forever or something."
Kaito shrugs, "well, you were foaming at the mouth and stuff."
"If you thought I might possibly die, why didn't you take me to the hospital?" I raise and eyebrow, crossing my arms. Mmm yes, s a s s.
"Shuichi said you would be fine, and I trust him the most."
"Jeez, you people trust eachother-- too- e-easily--" I start choking on my words, finding it hard to shield away my emotions.
"You okay?" He looks at me but doesn't seem truly concerned.
"Y-yep, just s-some a-a-afffter effects from th-e bu-g-gs." I try my best to keep composure.
He looks at me with his brow raised, looking more curious than ever, "Yousounddrunk— I mean— What's up with you and trusting people? You don't seem to believe in it at all."
"I-I still tr--trust some people, e-everybody trusts someone. It's j-just my opinion, you d-d-don't have to--to harass me a-about it." I think about leaving but then remember that I lost the bet.
"Kokichi, stop telling lies." He orders with a stern look on his face, eyes almost having the same look as Maki's.

I drop my hands to my sides, looking at the ground, "f-fine, since y-you want to know sooo b-badly!" I hear him grumble to himself, "I-...I grew up in a slightly toxic family, we fought a lot or something and I ran away to join D.I.C.E at around 6 to escape the toxicity." Kaito widens his eyes at me, "c-cliche, I know. 'Woowwww a toxic familyyy you must have been through shittt'..."
"No, everybody goes through 'shit' in their life, no matter how small or big."
I shake my head and smile at him, "r-regular stupid Kaito. Probably doesn't know how to spell oxygen."
He jumps up, "BOY I COULD **** (censored after further thought) YOU RIGHT NOW."
I give him the least reaction I can, just to peeve him off, "mmkay, just take me to your room first."
He sprints towards me and I start speeding away, almost tripping on the stupid maid outfit I'm wearing.
I run to my lab and quickly get inside, stopping to turn around. Little did I know, Kaito was about to tackle me and knock me out, RIGHT AFTER I WOKE UP WHAT THE HEL--

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