The Plan's In Action!!!

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Kokichi POV

I hit Kaito on the head, but it clearly didn't phase him at all, "Kaito, m-my niece is in the school still!"
"Yeah yeah, I asked Keebo to help take care of her. I'm genuinely kinda surprised he accepted after how I acted."
I stay silent.
Kaito looks back and forth as he crosses the street, "Hey, are you hungry?"
I put my arms around his neck and rest my head on his surprisingly not-very-itchy head, "N-No... Is your hair natural?.."
Kaito continues looking around after ignoring my question, "are you sure you're not hungry? You haven't eaten all day."
"And how would you know?!"
Kaito chuckles, "You've been sleeping the whole time."
I pause, "Oh... W-Well that's your fault!... If you hadn't worn such a... soft shirt I wouldn't be hungry at all..."
"So you are hungry?" I can feel Kaito smirking.
"Wha- No!.."
"Fine... I-I guess I could eat... a little."
We both keep quiet for awhile, just looking around at the scenery as Kaito walks to who knows where.
Just as I was about to fall asleep due to boredom, I hear Kaito speak, "Oh, here's the place! Kokichi, do you mind getting off of my back?"

I silently get off of his back as we both enter a restaurant I've never heard of before. Kaito grabs my wrist, leading me over to a seat farthest from everyone else, in the corner.
Once we both sit down, he leans back, "So, are you trying to get everyone to like you?"
I could feel my heart start racing. I look away, twiddling my thumbs, "Ah, um... Where'd you get that idea?"
"You were mumbling about it in your sleep." Kaito shrugs.
I see the waitress approach our table and look down, shaking.
How could I let him find out about my plans so easily?! Dammit!
"Hello, I'm Mara, I'll be your waitress for today! Can I get you two started with some drinks?" She says as I hear the click of her pen.
"Just get us both some sweet tea, I guess." I look up slightly and see him waving his hand as if he was shooting someone away, "You like tea, right Kichi?" I quickly look away and nod.
"Mhm! I'll get those to you as soon as possible!" Mara presumably puts away the pen and notepad before I hear her walk away.

After a moment of me looking out the window in silence, I hear Kaito speak up, "I can help, y'know."
I quickly snap my head towards Kaito, "Oh yeah? I'd like to see an Idiot like you try!"
Why am I even trying to act and lie at this point? It's no use.
He puts a hand in his pocket, glaring at me, "I'm NOT an idiot." He pulls out his phone as I flinch, thinking I was about to get hit. He growls, putting his phone back, "We should probably find out what we want to order before we talk."
Kaito picks up one of the menus from the middle of the table, handing it to me. I flip through the pages as he looks out the window, "Jeez, everything in here has really dumb names."
Kaito leans over, looking at the page I was on, "You're looking at the specials, dumbass."
I mutter an, "Oh" and he grins at me before returning to his original position. I flip to another page, "Ooh, they have calamari here? Who knew Momota was so fancy!"
He scoffs, "Gross, I usually just eat grilled cheese or something."
I grin, closing the menu and putting it back, "Whatever, I know what I'm getting!"

Kaito looks back at me, resting an elbow on the table, "Now we can talk, then. No shenanigans, I'm actually trying to help you."
"Fine, what's your plan?" I look him straight in the eye, kicking my legs back and forth as I prop both of my elbows on the table to rest my head.
"We should probably go for people individually, that way we can be as effective as possible." Kaito puts his hand on his chin.
"Take Gonta off of that list, he already loves everyone and everything!" I laugh. Gonta really is the friend everybody wants to have, even if he doesn't realize it.
"We should cross of Tsumugi for now, I heard she's getting therapy because of 'obsessive behavior' or something." Kaito rolls his eyes, probably not knowing just how bad Tsumugi has gotten after the killing game.
"Hmm... How about Keeboy?" I stop resting my head and bounce up and down excitedly.
Kaito looks at the approaching waitress, "I guess that's a good starter."
Kaito and I order our food, talking about space and the killing game while we waited.
Mara walks over quickly with our food, "Here you go! Sorry for the wait!"
"Thanks!" Kaito says to Mara as she walks away.
I giggle, picking up a piece of the calamari with my fork, "Anything's better than having to eat your cooking!"
Kaito growls, "You've never eaten anything I've cooked before!"
Tilting my head, I grin, "Are you sure?"

After about twenty minutes of talking about food, then home experiences, then vacations, we get the check and Kaito takes out his wallet.
"I don't have to pay? Bada bing bada boom!" I stand up, 'dusting off' my clothes, "Jeez, that took foreveerrr!"
I see Kaito stand up, putting the money on the table and putting his wallet back in his pocket, "You ready to kill a man with kindness?"
Smirking, I correct him, "A robot, yeah!"

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