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Aurora POV

2 months later

"girl enough is enough this is getting crazy. i am taking you to get checked out." Layla stresses as she was beside me while i had my head shoved in the toilet spilling my guts out.

" no" i responded as i came up hopefully this was the last of it.

"no i am serious something isn't right" she carried on.

" i already know what's wrong." i tell her.

"wait are you.." she stopped like she didn't want to say it.

"pregnant yes, i took a home test yesterday. but i haven't been to the doctors." i explained.

"what why didn't you say anything. you know i would have been there with you." she says.

" i know it's just something that i wanted to do alone." i tell her.

"i understand, so i am assuming it's Cyrus?" she asked.

"yup, how the hell am i supposed to tell him this? i mean we are just friends." i had no idea what to do.

"call him and ask you to meet him while he on his lunch brake." she suggested.

" i guess so, this is crazy." i was stressed.

"well for the record you baby will be hella cute." Layla tried to lighten the mood.

"that is very true, he will be the cutest baby around." i smirked.

"oh no more like she" Layla laughed.

"no way this baby is a boy. you know i have always wanted a boy first" i reminded her.

"well guess we will have to wait and see."she smiled.

"mhm well i have a phone call to make. wish me luck." i got up from the floor. but brushed my theeth first and mouth wash for good measure.

i sat on my bed and took a deep breath. i can do this. so i pressed his number it rang a couple times before he picked it up.

" hey Sleeping Beauty" he picked up.

"hey so um can we maybe meet up on your lunch brake or something?" i was so nervous.

"sure, you okay? you sound weird." he asked.

"who me oh i am totally fine." i cringed at how awkward i was being.

"okay, well i guess meet me at the office and we can head out from there somewhere?" he suggested.

"ya sure about what like one o'clock ish?" i asked.

"that's fine ya" he agreed.

"alright we'll see you then" i hung up the phone before he could say anything.


i was just deciding what i should wear to meet Cyrus at his office. it was a little bit chilly outside with the late October air. but finally found something after a good five minutes of searching.

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